Which comments by kevinbelt were favorited by virago in MetaFilter?

2023-02-28As a connoisseur of garbage, I feel right at home.
2022-05-19Why the Internet Hates Amber Heard: Paranoid Style in Online Fandom
2021-10-06"""Do writers not care about my kidney donation?"""
2019-08-02This is How Things Work Now at G/O Media
2019-07-31Please Send Money x 1000
2018-08-24The Humanities Are in Crisis
2018-08-10People use basic income to improve their quality of life
2017-09-21"""Catholic Alt-Right"" organizes online to stifle Jesuit speaker"
2017-07-26When you try to whip them forwards, they buck you off
2017-07-19The tyranny of work
2017-05-24Anti-goatee qualities: At least one columnist has blazed it
2017-05-23Hot Damn! It's the Loveland Frog!
2016-05-13“So I embarked on another round of testing.”