Which comments by kevinbelt were favorited by Neronomius in MetaFilter?

2020-02-20We will never find dignity in air travel
2019-08-02This is How Things Work Now at G/O Media
2019-07-02The world doesn’t look too kindly on a dabbler
2019-06-26Freedom To Starve
2019-06-03The Myth of 'Self Made' and The Role of Privilege
2018-09-21Playing God
2018-08-10People use basic income to improve their quality of life
2018-07-25“billionaire” has turned into a derogatory term
2017-03-06Lesson one: People will flush anything down a toilet
2017-02-21150+ gravesites vandalized at Chesed Shel Emeth Cemetery in Missouri
2016-11-14The Inexplicably Ubiquitous Phenomenon of 'Woods Porn'