Which comments by The Gooch were favorited by virago in MetaFilter?

2022-10-05Why make yourself uncomfortable when you can be in a comfortable place?
2017-05-09Prosecutors Taking Tougher Stance in Fraternity Hazing Deaths
2016-05-03Class warfare in the skies
2015-04-28Gamergate gets the profile it deserves
2014-09-29"Why ""F* You, Pay Me"" Is A Necessary Mantra"
2014-09-06Women politicians break the abortion taboo.
2014-08-15Hey Ladies! and the Shudder of Recognition
2014-08-02More 'gripey and complaining' set for 2015.
2014-07-26Mindbogglingly naive
2014-07-10Learn about societal norms by violating them and seeing how people react
2013-11-19What It's Like to Fail.