Which comments by The Gooch were favorited by dialetheia in MetaFilter?

2015-12-03Reality is squares of peanut butter toast
2015-10-08"""Women blame women for things that have nothing to do with them."""
2015-06-11'Twelve officers responded to the incident, Conley said.'
2015-06-02"""Why do you have to talk about that stuff?"""
2015-05-22"Ross Is the Worst ""Friends"" Character"
2015-04-28Gamergate gets the profile it deserves
2015-03-18"""The March Madness of Internet Garbage"""
2015-01-22It's enough to make you want to stop teaching kids poetry.
2014-09-29"Why ""F* You, Pay Me"" Is A Necessary Mantra"
2014-07-20“I’m surprised that you’re offended.”
2014-06-06Against YA
2012-12-03"""it's not my existence that is the problem here"""
2012-06-19"""On an unrelated note, this is also a great way to train your cat not to pee on the rug."""
2012-06-18Skepchick vs Psychology Today
2012-01-06You just don’t know you know them...