Which comments by The Gooch were favorited by stoneandstar in MetaFilter?

2015-01-23Does she get any respect?
2015-01-17My goal has always been to get this story right
2015-01-11My goal has always been to get this story right
2015-01-09My goal has always been to get this story right
2014-08-02More 'gripey and complaining' set for 2015.
2014-06-22...and then I *tried* to have a shit.
2014-04-08Screw weight loss. I want to be able to benchpress a bear.
2013-11-22An explicit and revealing look at one woman's body
2013-09-21The Problem with Warrior Princesses
2012-07-30NYC and Breastfeeding
2012-06-12A view of sex work from the other side