Which comments by The Gooch were favorited by sweetkid in MetaFilter?

2016-01-06What Goes Through Your Mind: On Nice Parties and Casual Racism
2015-06-11'Twelve officers responded to the incident, Conley said.'
2015-05-29"""It’s embarrassing to be such a cliché"""
2014-09-29"Why ""F* You, Pay Me"" Is A Necessary Mantra"
2014-08-30All that is needed is a rise and a fall
2014-08-20You had to have seen this coming, right?
2014-08-15Hey Ladies! and the Shudder of Recognition
2014-07-20“I’m surprised that you’re offended.”
2014-06-06Against YA
2014-06-05Contributing to the delinquency of a minor
2014-04-28Where is Laverne Cox?
2014-02-07Still trying to make fetch happen
2014-01-07Alli Reed's OKCupid Experiment
2013-12-22Personal Development gurus can get away with anything, so why can't you?
2013-12-20Personal Development gurus can get away with anything, so why can't you?
2013-07-20"""But seriously, I actually have a way normal life for a teenage girl."""
2012-08-25Why work when you have flashlights and a camera?
2012-06-24TO: Fall from grace
2012-06-23Skepchick vs Psychology Today
2012-06-18Skepchick vs Psychology Today
2011-08-21Mind your manners on FB ... or you might not make it into the yearbook.
2011-06-30Unfortunately for Freddie, he has fallen in love with you