Which comments by The Gooch were favorited by palomar in MetaFilter?

2016-12-29"""Your itinerary of self-destruction is a stellar one"""
2016-03-29Yo, Is This Ageist?
2015-12-16You would be so pretty if...
2015-12-16"""An Unbelievable Story of Rape"""
2015-11-24The 6 Awkward Conversations You’re Dreading, And How To Deal With Them
2015-10-08"""Women blame women for things that have nothing to do with them."""
2015-06-21Kim Konquers NPR. NPR Unhappy.
2015-06-10Serena Williams: Dominant, targeted
2015-05-22"Ross Is the Worst ""Friends"" Character"
2015-05-22"""McDonald's proved themselves to be jerks and the jury didn't like that"""
2015-04-28Gamergate gets the profile it deserves
2015-04-22Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Don't Rape
2014-07-20“I’m surprised that you’re offended.”
2014-07-09poverty is a circumstance, not a value judgment.
2014-06-03Angelina Jolie’s Perfect Game
2013-07-20"""But seriously, I actually have a way normal life for a teenage girl."""
2013-06-04You Got Punky'd
2013-05-12No one's ever on your side, Betty.
2012-08-19Tony Scott, 1944-2012
2012-06-23Skepchick vs Psychology Today
2012-06-18Skepchick vs Psychology Today
2012-06-18Skepchick vs Psychology Today
2011-07-01Married, With Infidelities
2010-01-25Well, that's all right then