Which comments by The Gooch were favorited by Blue Jello Elf in MetaFilter?

2018-04-29“The downside, of course, is the lack of excitement and variability.”
2016-12-29"""Your itinerary of self-destruction is a stellar one"""
2015-07-2213. Snakes
2015-06-11"""like lighting a birthday candle on an unbaked cake"""
2015-03-13Well, San Francisco's right out...
2015-03-09let it go?
2014-10-04"""A beautiful, obviously mixed race little girl"""
2014-09-06Women politicians break the abortion taboo.
2014-08-30I like the toy. I like the hands on the toy.
2014-07-20“I’m surprised that you’re offended.”
2014-07-10Learn about societal norms by violating them and seeing how people react
2014-06-05Contributing to the delinquency of a minor
2014-06-03Angelina Jolie’s Perfect Game
2014-06-03Angelina Jolie’s Perfect Game
2014-06-02What we talk about when we talk about sex (with kids)
2014-04-28Where is Laverne Cox?
2013-09-01Public Space
2012-07-30NYC and Breastfeeding
2010-01-25Well, that's all right then