Which comments by The Gooch were favorited by tel3path in MetaFilter?

2016-01-06What Goes Through Your Mind: On Nice Parties and Casual Racism
2016-01-06What Goes Through Your Mind: On Nice Parties and Casual Racism
2015-06-02"""Why do you have to talk about that stuff?"""
2014-06-03Angelina Jolie’s Perfect Game
2013-12-20Personal Development gurus can get away with anything, so why can't you?
2013-08-25Cheating on you, he could live with. Hurting me, he couldn't bear.
2013-08-24Cheating on you, he could live with. Hurting me, he couldn't bear.
2012-08-31Guys who do not watch porn do not exist
2012-06-18Skepchick vs Psychology Today
2012-02-23Rihanna's 'Birthday Cake': Reasons to listen