Which comments by rabbitrabbit were favorited by Space Kitty in MetaFilter?

2018-06-30there are moments in time when people need to live their convictions
2018-06-15the chickens are coming home to roost... any day now.
2018-03-14Reminder: Nunberg was less than a Scaramucci ago
2018-02-22Fresh politics thread.
2018-01-10It's been almost a year of this crap.
2017-11-02the first cut won't hurt at all
2017-10-12"""My family and I can't live in good intentions, Marge!"""
2017-05-21It has been _0_ days since the last Trump disaster
2017-03-20Rebellion has its roots in government's indifference and incompetence.
2017-02-07The Trump roundup
2016-12-16Delegate decision day: does Dudley Dudley derail Donald's dystopia?
2016-10-20♪♫ Oh my God. Tear this dude apart.
2016-10-09♪♫ Don’t modulate the key then not debate with me!
2014-05-12A Bunny Eating Raspberries!
2012-03-15What? And leave the comfort of the basement?