Which comments by rabbitrabbit were favorited by TrishaU in MetaFilter?

2023-07-31"""I don't have to see it. I lived it."""
2018-03-05"""Having a daughter makes it less likely that they keep having children."""
2017-12-04I don't care who's a good boy—back away from the baby, bud
2017-01-27Building a Cabinet
2017-01-24Building a Cabinet
2017-01-21The inauguration of the 45th President of the United States of America
2016-12-16Delegate decision day: does Dudley Dudley derail Donald's dystopia?
2016-12-15You can’t count votes that never got a chance to be cast
2016-12-14You can’t count votes that never got a chance to be cast
2016-12-09You can’t count votes that never got a chance to be cast
2016-10-22Alexander Hamilton's beany guacamole dip: 18 days to go