Which comments by rabbitrabbit were favorited by asteria in MetaFilter?

2017-11-02the first cut won't hurt at all
2017-10-12"""My family and I can't live in good intentions, Marge!"""
2017-08-18The frogurt is also cursed.
2017-07-17"""There's a good chance I may have committed some light...treason."""
2017-03-23Rebellion has its roots in government's indifference and incompetence.
2017-01-11No new information for those who have been paying attention.
2017-01-06Do I have a soul?
2017-01-06Do I have a soul?
2017-01-06Do I have a soul?
2016-12-19Delegate decision day: does Dudley Dudley derail Donald's dystopia?
2016-12-15From Russia, with love.
2016-12-14You can’t count votes that never got a chance to be cast
2016-12-13You can’t count votes that never got a chance to be cast
2016-12-06"""He has neither the temperament nor the judgment to be president"""
2016-10-25Alexander Hamilton's beany guacamole dip: 18 days to go
2016-10-04[Election 2016] If you stand for nothing, what’ll you fall for?
2016-09-19At least we know she knows where France is.
2016-09-14Honestly, it's kind of draining