Which posts by y2karl were favorited by Green-eyed grenade in MetaFilter?

2023-10-03Oh, the Schadenfreude!
2022-01-11In Post-Soviet Russia, The Simpsons Jokes Laugh At You!
2021-06-18Noctilucently Yours
2021-05-27A map of the unseen unknown aka dark matter
2021-05-07Start The Steal
2021-04-02The Life and Times of ''The Most Intelligent Bird in the World''
2021-03-31More Fun Than Fun: How Do Insect Societies Deal With Infectious Diseases
2021-02-05...Their Apps Tracked Them.
2020-12-13Endless Creation Out of Nothing
2020-11-11A Sick Swan Is Saved
2020-10-17See the Keepers
2020-10-13Do We Live in a Simulation? Chances Are about 50–50
2020-10-09New Dating of the Nebra Sky Disc
2020-09-10Moral Grandstanding
2020-06-26Why Fireworks Scare Some Dogs But Not Others
2020-04-22Yosemite webcams, among others
2018-06-02Why Dictators Write
2018-05-14The U.S. Deep Poverty Problem/Why the Great Society Worked
2005-07-29The Failed States Index