Which posts by y2karl were favorited by esoteric things in MetaFilter?

2022-11-26Assorted Aleatory Moondog
2022-10-26FRONTLINE - Putin's Attack on Ukraine: Documenting War Crimes
2022-04-20State Senator Mallory McMorrow, Democrat of Michigan responds
2022-03-12Regarding Carole Cadwalladr: After Stonehenge, Wales' Greatest imho
2022-01-14Chubbyemu's A [Person did this Thing.] This is what happened.
2021-11-20Regarding the Pain of Others
2021-04-15Oh, the Lindy Hoppery: Vernacular Jazz Dance
2021-04-02The Life and Times of ''The Most Intelligent Bird in the World''
2021-02-05...Their Apps Tracked Them.
2020-09-10Moral Grandstanding