Which posts by y2karl were favorited by DarkForest in MetaFilter?

2023-01-08Quite possibly the worst album by either Bob Dylan or the Grateful Dead
2022-10-26FRONTLINE - Putin's Attack on Ukraine: Documenting War Crimes
2022-03-24TOLKIEN -- official website of the Estate of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
2022-03-12Regarding Carole Cadwalladr: After Stonehenge, Wales' Greatest imho
2022-01-22At a loss for words -- God's Man, Lynd Ward and more...
2022-01-11In Post-Soviet Russia, The Simpsons Jokes Laugh At You!
2021-05-2352 perfect comfort films – to watch again and again
2021-04-02The Life and Times of ''The Most Intelligent Bird in the World''
2021-03-30John Fahey -- Live 1997 -- Full Show
2021-02-15Pier Paolo Pasolini's The Gospel of Saint Matthew
2021-02-0277 Days: Trump’s Campaign to Subvert the Election
2021-01-17Irene Pepperberg -- Alex and Me
2020-12-18Untold Dylan -- Every Bob Dylan song reviewed & then some
2020-12-17A Celebration of John Fahey and American-Primitive Guitar
2020-10-31Forget Everything You Know About Your Dog
2019-09-23Equinoctial, Old Hundredth, Roog and Chun the Unavoidable
2016-01-29DylanTube - All Videos: Live, Documentaries, Films, Ads,
2012-10-27THe Forbidden Planet Soundtrack by Luis and Bebe Barron