Which posts by y2karl were favorited by eotvos in MetaFilter?

2022-02-14dancers extraordinaire Norah, Yarah and Rosa are Let It Happen
2022-01-22At a loss for words -- God's Man, Lynd Ward and more...
2022-01-14Chubbyemu's A [Person did this Thing.] This is what happened.
2022-01-11In Post-Soviet Russia, The Simpsons Jokes Laugh At You!
2022-01-07Johan Huizinga -- Homo Ludens
2021-03-20The CBC's Q interviews legendary music producer Daniel Lanois
2020-10-31Forget Everything You Know About Your Dog
2020-03-12Bee Hummingbird Sized Dinosaur
2018-06-02Why Dictators Write
2018-05-22Dovey Johnson Roundtree 1914 - 2018
2012-07-18On The Sublime - Louis Armstrong, and Ella Fitzgerald and Oscar Peterson