Which posts by zarq were favorited by fritillary in MetaFilter?

2018-10-19Criminalizing Victims
2018-08-08Es Hoy
2018-07-07bypassing consciousness
2018-05-18"""He wrote like he was avenging a death"""
2018-05-13Delaware Bans Child Marriage
2018-04-20Art and Sexism
2018-03-15The Shield
2018-03-08How to Raise a Boy
2018-02-28The struggle for power never really ends
2018-02-21He's either as smart as the devil himself or the luckiest bastard alive.
2018-02-07A start, not an end point.
2018-02-02The Nut King and the Pomegranate Queen in the Land of W♥nderful
2017-12-29"“We terminated the most precious American asset..."""
2017-12-01Forgiving the unforgivable, to salve generational trauma
2017-11-29"""Hummingbirds Are Where Intuition Goes to Die"""
2017-11-22Preaching Integration. Practicing Segregation.
2017-11-10Not alone
2017-08-05Misogyny based on flawed/erroneous/outdated social science theories
2017-06-23The roles of beauty, aesthetics and signaling in evolutionary selection
2017-06-10"""I see you."""
2017-06-03The American Archive of Public Broadcasting
2017-04-26Read and Destroy, A Survivor's Story
2017-04-25The Philosemitic / Antisemitic Tchotchke Market
2015-10-27The role of sex and gender in autism
2013-06-12Sturgeon! Dick! Asimov! Heinlein! DeCamp! Bradbury! Sheckley! Pohl!
2013-03-08Aspiring Animators & Game Designers, Study Your Calculus & Combinatorics
2013-02-20The Everyday Sexism Project
2011-07-26To help thousands of people in over 200 countries diagnose, treat and prevent common illnesses
2011-07-07Africa: History, Cartography and Exploration
2011-07-04"""What Is This 'sudo' You Speak Of?"""
2011-06-29America's Next Great Civil Rights Struggle
2011-06-23The post stands on the shoulders of the two that came before it....
2011-06-20"""Don't tell your mother what we're about to do. Oh, and don't breathe the fumes"""
2011-05-10We Have Cameras