Which posts by zarq were favorited by detachd in MetaFilter?

2018-05-13Delaware Bans Child Marriage
2017-09-28"""Even having a conversation about the imbalance becomes emotional labor"""
2017-06-02"""Exactly one-half exhilaration. Exactly one-half terror."""
2017-03-31Life is its own answer.
2016-11-30Like it's proud of itself.
2016-08-19Due Process
2016-07-27The Weed Route
2016-06-21Some days....
2016-06-15Most American mass shooters use legally obtained firearms.
2016-03-23A Private Little War
2016-03-09The Secret Service will rest easier without you around on our south lawn
2016-03-07"""That'll do, pig. That'll do."""
2016-03-05"""Politicians. Businessmen. Nobody’s watching them anymore."""
2016-01-14Ditch the DEET, get a Cock ring in Peru
2015-12-02"And now, a departure from ""Sharktopus vs. Whalewolf"""
2015-08-14"""A Piece of Meat and a Bun with Something On It."""
2015-05-26“It’s disheartening. They should have known better.”
2015-05-21I'm the Fastest Man Alive
2015-04-17Isaiah 11:6
2014-05-23“Where do left and right meet? At the truth.”
2014-05-16And together, THEY FIGHT CRIME!
2014-04-11Life Rolls On
2014-02-20"What the hell are you staring at?"""
2014-02-18Trusting God
2013-12-24"...and then ""some clown invented the printed circuit."""
2013-12-16Would you believe...
2013-12-07"""We just choose to be present."""
2013-12-02"""Caje, take the point"""
2013-09-07"""Big waste country, the U.S."""
2013-07-26"""We All Lament the Difficulty We Have Persuading Americans"""
2013-06-15“Always build people up. Never tear people down. Be kind.”
2013-06-12Sturgeon! Dick! Asimov! Heinlein! DeCamp! Bradbury! Sheckley! Pohl!
2013-05-08"""The story of Grizzly Adams is big and powerful. Beautiful!"""
2012-10-07"""No one wants to hear about how tough it is."""
2012-09-17"""Escalation Techniques"""
2012-04-04"""To find out more, take a voyage down to your public library. It's all in books!"""
2012-04-01“Digitize Her!”
2012-01-25A nation full of immortal poor people.
2012-01-20The Waffle House Terrorists
2012-01-06Sent by the Guardian to Recover the Key to Time
2012-01-05"""The game I play is a very interesting one. It's imagination, in a tight straitjacket."""
2011-09-22"""Apparently you can't hack into a government supercomputer and then try to buy uranium without the Department of Homeland Security tattling to your mother."""
2011-07-12"""The Third Way of COIN: Defeating the Taliban in Sangin"""