Which posts by zarq were favorited by Obscure Injoke in MetaFilter?

2017-08-05Misogyny based on flawed/erroneous/outdated social science theories
2017-06-02"""Exactly one-half exhilaration. Exactly one-half terror."""
2016-03-10On the internet, it is always day somewhere—and night somewhere else.
2016-02-26"“Social media is 95 percent of what happens in all relationships now"""
2015-08-08"A 'constant chorus of skepticism' about the""establishment."""
2015-03-31"""We don't make mistakes, we just have happy accidents."""
2015-02-19The Starlost
2014-05-28No one. Owes you. Anything.
2014-02-12"""IT'S ALIVE, ALIVE!! ... I've always wanted to say that."""
2013-06-12Sturgeon! Dick! Asimov! Heinlein! DeCamp! Bradbury! Sheckley! Pohl!
2012-12-06"""Something so intensely nerdy that it we can’t help but dedicate some serious time to it."""
2012-03-31"""And with millions of chicks checking in daily, there's never been a better time to be on the hunt...."""
2012-03-26In the name of Defense.
2012-02-17This FPP © zarq. Do Not Bend, Fold, Spindle or Mutilate. Do Not Taunt Happy Fun Ball.
2011-12-31Space Quest II! Starring Sludge Vohaul (The Alien MORE Hideous than Your Aunt Hildegard)!
2011-07-25Deindividuation and Polarization through Online Anonymity
2011-05-17Greetings, True Believers!
2011-01-12The E-Persona
2010-04-25Shades of Kitty Genovese
2010-04-05Freedom of the Press vs. Israel's Military Secrets
2010-03-29Public Apathy Enables Leaders To Ignore Voters. . .
2010-03-18"“Tampon is not a dirty word, and neither is vagina."""
2007-10-31And not a sign of The Crypt-Kicker Five....