Which posts by zarq were favorited by MonkeyToes in MetaFilter?

2017-09-28"""Even having a conversation about the imbalance becomes emotional labor"""
2017-07-12What We Know — And Don’t Know — About Hate Crimes in America
2017-06-20I got a pocket full of dreams
2015-12-07גם זו לטובה
2015-11-03Discover something new
2015-09-21The Forgotten Battalion
2015-08-27Estimated American veteran suicides per day: 22
2015-08-14"""A Piece of Meat and a Bun with Something On It."""
2015-08-08"A 'constant chorus of skepticism' about the""establishment."""
2015-06-13...an impossible task.
2015-03-06The Discipline of Blending In vs. Independence and Self-Confidence
2014-02-12"""IT'S ALIVE, ALIVE!! ... I've always wanted to say that."""
2013-11-10Mahna Mahna
2013-08-12"""Texas is heaven for men and dogs, but it’s hell for women and horses.”"
2013-08-07The Opt-Out Revolution, Revisited
2013-06-11"""You might very well think that; I couldn't possibly comment."""
2013-03-15"""As the hymn says, you can lay your burden down."""
2013-01-16Freedom from....
2012-12-20"""Shine Brighter"""
2012-10-12The Buck Stops Here
2012-09-20Medicine Wheel / Wagon Wheel
2012-08-14Happy Birthday, Julia
2011-09-27C is still for Cookie, and that's good enough for me
2011-07-26To help thousands of people in over 200 countries diagnose, treat and prevent common illnesses
2010-09-02Making a Difference