Which posts by zarq were favorited by artaxerxes in MetaFilter?

2016-07-29Twinkle, Twinkle, Vogel Staar: On Mozart's Feathered Collaborator
2015-10-13Anyone know what this is? Class? Anyone? Anyone?
2015-08-15"""If someone doesn’t want to have sex with you, don’t have sex with them"""
2015-05-01Most assuredly *not* 42
2015-04-13"""His mother was an ice-cold wind; his pa a fiery rock."""
2014-06-03"""You Crazy Bastards. What Have You Done? Now I Have To Rebuild!"""
2014-05-16And together, THEY FIGHT CRIME!
2013-10-01Feast Days
2013-09-15The sins of this universe would trouble anyone.
2013-03-09This post entirely SFW
2012-12-06"""Something so intensely nerdy that it we can’t help but dedicate some serious time to it."""
2012-11-25Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound!
2012-06-22Girl Crisis
2012-02-17This FPP © zarq. Do Not Bend, Fold, Spindle or Mutilate. Do Not Taunt Happy Fun Ball.
2012-01-27Present Tense!
2011-06-23The post stands on the shoulders of the two that came before it....
2011-05-03"“Aux enfants, je leur dis et je leur répète: ne faites pas la guerre."""
2010-08-25“Toro is junk food for low income earners.”
2010-08-23"""Because I'm worth it."""
2010-06-16The Radiographic Nude
2010-05-23Adoption Confidentiality Being Bypassed Through Social Media
2010-04-27Is this gonna be a standup fight, sir, or another bughunt?