Which posts by zarq were favorited by Potomac Avenue in MetaFilter?

2016-07-29Twinkle, Twinkle, Vogel Staar: On Mozart's Feathered Collaborator
2016-05-11When in doubt, do the math.
2015-11-20"""Let my people go"""
2015-08-20"It stands for ""Special Person Entering the World... Egg Yolks"""
2015-06-08he can’t see me
2015-04-10The Local Eyes Project
2015-03-06The Discipline of Blending In vs. Independence and Self-Confidence
2015-02-27"""Activate Electra-Change!"""
2014-05-16And together, THEY FIGHT CRIME!
2014-04-16...not a neutral exercise.
2014-03-18Internet Archive Digital Residencies
2013-12-26Henry's Concepts
2013-12-18"""Are you ready to find love in Alderaan places?"""
2013-12-09“People don’t go nowhere in Brooklyn”
2013-09-18The first decade
2013-08-21Letting Go
2013-08-03...the firm resolve of a determined soul.
2013-07-18...never believing the people who think they have you figured out.
2013-07-02Racial Slur or Honorific?
2013-07-01“I’m dismantling the Death Star to build solar ovens for the Ewoks.”
2013-06-15“Always build people up. Never tear people down. Be kind.”
2013-05-27"""...your trauma high is always someone else’s trauma."""
2013-05-16Leonard Bernstein's Young People's Concerts
2013-04-01The hottest prospect in Mets history is a lifelong Cubs fan
2013-02-18Rewarding The Poison Pen
2013-02-01"""Mr. Koch is survived by New York itself."""
2013-01-22"""We want you to take a picture."""
2013-01-14To tell the story to someone else...
2012-12-17"""You can't get un-famous. You can get infamous, but you can't get un-famous."""
2012-10-18"""...how great it could still be.”"
2012-09-24There once was a postman who designed scarves for Hermès....
2012-09-18"""...do you really want a couple million eagles circling overhead?"""
2012-06-14"""And by the way, your kid's stroller sucks."""
2012-04-24Before we go on, someone in this room is not who they say they are....
2012-01-26"""Brother Epstein, huh? I can see the headlines: 'Puerto Rican Jew enters monastery, becomes the first 'Schlamonk.""'"
2011-11-28"""You can’t regret your fate, although I do regret my mother didn’t marry a carpenter."""
2011-11-13"""In almost all cases it is not possible to bring a civil action against"" a website that hosts your nude images posted without your consent."
2011-10-13"""We'll be fine."""
2010-12-20Short Stories
2010-08-23"""Because I'm worth it."""
2010-03-17Defying the FDA, Doctors in Colorado Offer Stem Cell Therapies for Joint Diseases