Which posts by zarq were favorited by filthy light thief in MetaFilter?

2018-08-08Es Hoy
2018-06-14In A World...
2018-05-14The Singing Unicorn
2018-03-08How to Raise a Boy
2018-02-07A start, not an end point.
2018-01-13But could he hit a curveball?
2017-12-09"""Their Spirits Were Trapped In Those Masks"""
2017-12-01Forgiving the unforgivable, to salve generational trauma
2017-10-20...where the reckoning of self happens.
2017-07-31"""Cured my ""fish"" of its tooth, ear and foot infections - 4 Stars"""
2017-06-08A half-hour dose of science, technology and inexhaustible energy.
2017-06-05Tabletop Whale
2017-03-31Life is its own answer.
2016-08-09O Sister, Where Art Thou?
2016-07-29Twinkle, Twinkle, Vogel Staar: On Mozart's Feathered Collaborator
2016-04-28The Jewish Community of Antioquia
2016-01-14Ditch the DEET, get a Cock ring in Peru
2015-11-09Kid Nation
2015-09-17Reinvestigating Rape: Old Evidence, New Answers
2015-08-07"""Women – Love each other, support each other, defend each other."""
2015-07-20Next week, Billy, we'll discuss ten things you can do with a carrot.
2015-06-02Good Grief!
2015-05-07"""I usually show at the credit union on Vashon."""
2015-03-31"""We don't make mistakes, we just have happy accidents."""
2015-02-26Sacred Trash
2015-02-19The Starlost
2015-02-18Where do the dead belong, in the world of the living?
2015-02-11The Color Line Murders
2014-05-16And together, THEY FIGHT CRIME!
2014-04-17Resegregation in the American South
2014-04-11Life Rolls On
2014-04-08Eppur si muove
2014-02-20"What the hell are you staring at?"""
2014-02-12"""IT'S ALIVE, ALIVE!! ... I've always wanted to say that."""
2014-01-07This post courtesy of the little green guys and the red jammies
2013-12-24"...and then ""some clown invented the printed circuit."""
2013-12-22Allez Cuisine!
2013-12-16Would you believe...
2013-12-12A giant leap for mankind.... It's more like a stumble in the dark.
2013-12-02"""Caje, take the point"""
2013-11-13Cut mine into four pieces. I don't think I could eat eight.
2013-10-01Feast Days
2013-08-27"“It just got very, very old and all of us felt that we were whores."""
2013-07-18...never believing the people who think they have you figured out.
2013-07-11Five Feet of Books
2013-06-12Sturgeon! Dick! Asimov! Heinlein! DeCamp! Bradbury! Sheckley! Pohl!
2013-06-11"""You might very well think that; I couldn't possibly comment."""
2013-05-16Leonard Bernstein's Young People's Concerts
2013-05-08"""The story of Grizzly Adams is big and powerful. Beautiful!"""
2013-05-02"""The Lower Depths"""
2013-03-19Operation Overlord
2013-01-22"""We want you to take a picture."""
2012-12-18많이 드세요
2012-12-17"""You can't get un-famous. You can get infamous, but you can't get un-famous."""
2012-12-06"""Something so intensely nerdy that it we can’t help but dedicate some serious time to it."""
2012-11-30The Times They Are a-Changin'
2012-11-25Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound!
2012-10-31Big Damn Heroes
2012-10-15Menace(s) to Society
2012-10-11Ephemeral New York
2012-09-24There once was a postman who designed scarves for Hermès....
2012-08-27"""I went from God loves everybody to God saves everybody to God is in everybody."""
2012-08-13The Bully Pulpit
2012-07-22Welcome to The Long Wall of 10,000 Li
2012-06-20This post is just in time for the annual spaghetti harvest.
2012-04-09Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...
2012-04-04"""To find out more, take a voyage down to your public library. It's all in books!"""
2012-03-28The Lomax Collection -- a 'renewal of the forgotten springs of human creativity.'
2012-03-26In the name of Defense.
2012-03-15"""But, since you asked, buckle up."""
2012-02-24I shall possess within the veil, a life of joy and peace.
2012-02-17This FPP © zarq. Do Not Bend, Fold, Spindle or Mutilate. Do Not Taunt Happy Fun Ball.
2012-02-13"""Pure Cinema"""
2012-01-06Sent by the Guardian to Recover the Key to Time
2012-01-05"""The game I play is a very interesting one. It's imagination, in a tight straitjacket."""
2011-12-06Messy. Crazy. Brilliant. Insane. Reporter.
2011-11-30The NYDOT Presents: Curbside Haiku
2011-11-28"""You can’t regret your fate, although I do regret my mother didn’t marry a carpenter."""
2011-10-03Remember when music television actually played music videos?
2011-07-07Africa: History, Cartography and Exploration
2011-06-23The post stands on the shoulders of the two that came before it....
2011-05-16"""I Will Never Plea-Bargain With The Truth."""
2011-04-15Management Lessons from The Prince of Pranks
2011-04-04What do you mean, 'We hired a dog'?
2011-03-15Uke Virtuoso
2011-02-09RIP, Candy Licker
2011-02-03We’re Tearing the Heart Out of Saturday Night!
2011-01-21His camera became a political voice for the forgotten ones.
2010-11-29Can't get to the zoo?
2010-11-24"""I wanna hold her hand and show her some beauty before this damage is done"""
2010-08-04"""This nation was founded on the principle that the government must never choose between religions, or favor one over another."""
2010-07-13Amarillo's Marsh Art
2010-06-24The Blogfather
2010-06-08I hear babies cry and I watch them grow. They'll learn much more than we'll know. And I think to myself: What a Wonderful World
2010-04-22Caught in a landslide, No escape from reality
2009-10-09"""Want to play a chord? Try not to die."""
2009-06-10The High Line, Transformed