Which posts by zarq were favorited by moorooka in MetaFilter?

2014-02-20"What the hell are you staring at?"""
2013-07-26"""We All Lament the Difficulty We Have Persuading Americans"""
2013-01-06"""Until you acquire an education, you will never find out who you really are."""
2012-10-15Menace(s) to Society
2012-07-24"""He is no longer his own person."""
2012-07-06"""The justice system is invisible, unable to deter or heal."""
2012-03-26In the name of Defense.
2011-12-15How the World Searched
2011-11-17“What if our kids really believed we wanted them to have great sex?”
2011-07-25Deindividuation and Polarization through Online Anonymity
2011-07-21Look at My Professional White Background. Now Look at Your Site. Now Back to Mine. Now....
2011-01-19Freeman Dyson's Global Warming Heresy
2010-04-09From Oil Derricks To Wind Turbines
2010-04-08Young Indiana Jones Discovers Missing Link (maybe....)
2010-04-07The Whitewash
2010-04-06"""...to pursue the day when these weapons do not exist..."""
2010-04-05Freedom of the Press vs. Israel's Military Secrets
2010-03-29Public Apathy Enables Leaders To Ignore Voters. . .
2010-03-26Turning the Tables
2010-03-22Whence Altruism?
2010-03-15"The ""Still-Face"" Experiment"
2010-02-02A Cubic Foot