Which comments by Eyebrows McGee were best answers in Ask MetaFilter?

2022-11-07Best Advent calendars of 2022
2022-06-27Why do so many Japanese ferries still exist?
2022-03-28What's the best trip you've ever taken with your kids?
2022-02-06What’s a good activity with a mix of adult ages?
2021-12-27Dealing with the “We’re all going to get Covid” crowd?
2021-12-05Help us plan 24-48 hours in Chicago
2021-12-05Help us plan 24-48 hours in Chicago
2021-11-28Group gift ideas that are inclusive of a blind and autistic 6 year old
2021-10-21"I'm not sure what to make of ""Jesus Loves You"" "
2021-07-22Is it illegal to try and bribe someone?
2021-06-24Gardening: My city is turning into a desert for a week
2021-05-09Gifts for 5-year-old girl keen on math, science, astronomy
2021-01-31Onion-free substitute for cream soups in casseroles
2021-01-22driving cultures
2021-01-01Low-tech presentations for young children
2020-12-01"Is it worth to ask my insurance company for a ""cosmetic"" fix to my ear?"
2020-11-30ID a song from this mid to late-90s commercial?
2020-09-14Making music in a tiny space with another musician around
2020-08-09Tax question: Moving from DC to MD, possibly. Implications?
2020-01-31She brings me coffee in my favorite cup
2019-09-23Online odd jobs/self-employment (sung to the tune of TMNT)
2019-08-27What is the smallest RISK/war game board available?
2019-06-17Looking for a dirty, funny song title.
2019-06-05Mural suggestions
2019-04-24How do you tidy and store kid stuff in a small home?
2019-04-04How were you shown you were loved as a kid?
2019-04-03How were you shown you were loved as a kid?
2019-03-25advice that feels like bullying
2019-01-18YANMD-Antibiotic TKO edition
2018-12-28I would like to look at beauty
2018-12-26Eat, Pray, Love (Myself)
2018-12-11I'm not sure if my boyfriend is trustworthy?
2018-12-09Bringing a tiny house to Canada?
2018-11-27What is it like to breastfeed beyond one year?
2018-11-17"How do I settle down when I have nothing to settle ""on""?"
2018-11-05Pleasurable Dining Out With Extensive Dietary Restrictions
2018-11-03Friend feeling trapped by husband's traumatic brain injury
2018-10-22Is my free-and-clear laundry detergent OK for baby?
2018-10-18Design resources for making a small urban yard more private?
2018-10-17What is it like to be cold?
2018-09-05What are your great kid friendly restaurant experiences?
2018-09-04My SO isn't eating properly while taking care of our baby
2018-08-18School lunch hacks, for older kids
2018-08-17Man plans Yiddish poster; God laughs at formatting
2018-07-31Stopgap options for getting an antidepressant without waiting a month?
2018-07-24Delivery room dilemma
2018-07-15crisis management in Social Services department
2018-06-26How do you figure out spending for kid with special needs after divorce?
2018-06-20Are resumes dumb?
2018-06-03Miss Manners Filter: When is it rude to ask for a favor?
2018-06-02How Bureaucracy Works, The Show
2018-05-29Delivery room dilemma
2018-05-21Which mass noun has the largest individual units?
2018-05-16Question about opioid painkillers
2018-05-01Curly haired Mefites, help me with my daughter
2018-04-22How do the bank loans work on home renovation TV shows?
2018-04-13did you get better at emotional labour? how?
2018-04-01Christmas in Spring
2018-03-09Friday Night Dinner from the Slow Cooker - Easy, Tasty AND Impressive?
2018-02-27Help me find podcast episode about jobs that can't be more efficient.
2018-02-22Should I let ex take me out for dinner if he makes a stink about paying?
2018-02-14Teen anger - how to diffuse?
2018-02-14People who menstruate
2018-02-10Where's Totoro when you need him?
2018-02-01What do I do if I can’t find a job in my chosen field?
2018-01-27I can't; I'm busy in 2023.
2018-01-25Questions on Baptism
2018-01-22How do I learn to control my loud voice?
2017-12-29What is there to do in Peoria, IL (and why is it so hard to spell)?
2017-12-16Please explain voter ID to this non-American like I'm a 12 year old
2017-12-12Turn left here, kids
2017-11-24What should I do with all this turkey stock?
2017-11-21Evolution 101
2017-11-18Help me win our Christmas decorating contest
2017-11-18Book recomendation: fiction by authors who excell at anthropology + psyc
2017-11-07If it's not OK on the national level (politics and business mingling)
2017-11-06Voting on school bonds
2017-11-02How to be happy in professional school
2017-11-01Kid racked up $300 bucks in 6 days on iPad app
2017-10-30The deep mystery in my basement
2017-10-24Pregnant, minimalist... and a little overwhelmed!
2017-10-16'We may not have much, but we have each other'
2017-10-12Tips to keep from crying
2017-10-11Moving back to Mid-West...alternatives to Chicago?
2017-10-09Not quite Flexitarian, but a lot less meat
2017-09-29What normal thing from your childhood would be considered strange today?
2017-09-29What normal thing from your childhood would be considered strange today?
2017-09-26Resources for getting enthused about a period of home-making?
2017-09-23what do ladies in their 40s wear for Halloween?
2017-09-22I speak English, you speak... English?
2017-09-22What arrangements do you have with adult children living at home?
2017-09-19Where does the purse go in a car?
2017-09-15How do you cut a toddler's nails safely when she won't let you?
2017-09-15What state taxes am I responsible for?
2017-09-13Would you heed this letter if you were a liquor store manager?
2017-09-04Is there an affordable option for a print newspaper?
2017-09-04Is there an affordable option for a print newspaper?
2017-08-31Simple astronomical observations to make in a dark, clear sky
2017-08-17Creative uses for an Amazon IoT Dash
2017-08-13I love the country, but I can't stand the scene
2017-08-12Quick suggestions for easy activity w 90yo in Chicago
2017-08-08Take One Eighty-Three to Thirty-five, exit Twenty-two Twenty...
2017-08-05Really good historical fiction?
2017-07-29Benefits of living in small spaces?
2017-07-27How to arrange furniture in this small TV room?
2017-07-26What type of needlepoint stitch is this?
2017-07-26What type of needlepoint stitch is this?
2017-07-22Building Twitter presence for a US state-level Political Candidate
2017-07-22Recommendations for a used car that's more spacious than a Honda Fit?
2017-07-19Should I buy a haven in case of climate change?
2017-07-02(Re)learn to sew?
2017-06-29Help me understand how American Community College works
2017-06-27Mechanical Classes in Toronto
2017-06-22How do I become an official scorer in professional baseball?
2017-06-21How to prepare for a big meeting?
2017-06-21Quirky and/or nature-y spots in Chicago and Holland, MI
2017-06-19What happens when all the crows just up and leave?
2017-06-18What's a bitcoin really worth to an American?
2017-06-14"What ""old"" CBS shows would I like to binge watch?"
2017-06-10Waterproof tablecloth that feels like fabric?
2017-05-29Giving a tween a lump sum budget: what to consider?
2017-05-26Give me an l, give me an o, give me a v, give me an e
2017-05-19Dress Filter: Wedding Guest while Nursing edition
2017-05-08What sort of programs/services do the rich use to get ahead?
2017-05-07Get it together Mr Frimble
2017-04-28Friends for life?
2017-04-28"""So what's new with you?"" ""Well..."""
2017-04-27My home exists in two ZIP codes. I'd prefer one over the other.
2017-04-25Things that are better with kids
2017-04-18Learning a language through music, film and TV
2017-03-31Religious scholars: help me find commentaries on Bible stories
2017-03-28Talking to landlord about lead
2017-03-25Craftfilter: resources for beautiful cross-stitch designs?
2017-03-20"They Said to Me; ""Mike, they said""..."
2017-03-20"They Said to Me; ""Mike, they said""..."
2017-03-11Edumacate me about basement drainage and sump pumps
2017-03-09Has the common thinking around race changed over the last 10-15 years?
2017-02-21Accessible tutorial activities for students with disabilities
2017-02-20Research/articles/books on play in school-aged children
2017-02-20Just cough it up!
2017-02-17Ain't no party like a whirlpool party
2017-02-16Forgotten masterpieces
2017-02-16"Writing prompts for ""D'Aulaire's Book of Mommy Myths"""
2017-02-12I want to run for school board. What books/resources should I get?
2017-02-06Spring break on the cheap?
2017-02-05Recommend a small org working on breast cancer, please
2017-01-25Want. Earrings.
2017-01-24"Telescope tips for an ""intermediate"" astronomy buff"
2017-01-22Best website for news from Ivory Coast
2017-01-22Just starting college/uni search. Give me your wisdom....
2017-01-22Just starting college/uni search. Give me your wisdom....
2017-01-17Becoming a teacher in the Clark Country School District
2017-01-09The revolution will be sung, not televised
2017-01-07Dressing a hot-running baby for winter
2017-01-05Help Me Un-Invite My MIL to a Race
2017-01-02Wait... They Don't Love You Like I Love You
2016-12-27How can I up my hair game while still remaining extremely lazy?
2016-12-26Just found out my family's Jewish--how do I learn more?
2016-12-06Who will rid us of this troublesome beast?
2016-11-25Sitcoms where the characters get to progress toward their goals?
2016-11-21Can I buy pre-fabric'ed embroidery hoops?
2016-11-21Can I buy pre-fabric'ed embroidery hoops?
2016-11-21Can I buy pre-fabric'ed embroidery hoops?
2016-11-11Toddler car trip audio options?
2016-11-01Organizations to support a bottle-feeding mom?
2016-10-18Indoor toys for an active 3 year old?
2016-10-06Fun, flat, mail-able, multi-participant game / puzzle-like things?
2016-10-03Surviving a family holiday with pregnant SIL after a miscarriage.
2016-09-22Any graveyard shift workers here have experience with daylight lamps?
2016-09-18How can mom travel if dad depends on her and is afraid of terrorism?
2016-09-10What’s the fairest way to leave money to your kids in your will?
2016-09-10How can I learn to stop and smell the roses?
2016-09-08How do I become an outdoorsy person?
2016-08-24ebooks with no credit card and other snowflakes
2016-08-18What climate-specific learned behaviors does no one think to explain?
2016-08-06"Examples of ""regional"" common knowledge"
2016-07-28If you're bored then you're boring...
2016-07-21How do I get funding as a progressive political candidate in the US?
2016-07-14How to do myself justice on the MENSA IQ test?
2016-07-10Vote-buying in Congress for consititutional amendment?
2016-07-06The 2nd child - lessons learned, tricks 'n stuff to help the older kid?
2016-06-22Snappy comebacks for when people joke about my name
2016-06-21You can't make me! o(>< )o
2016-06-21I want to write a family history book but MS Word isn't cutting it...
2016-06-14Attorney ethics question
2016-06-02Explain bottle-feeding a breastfed baby as if I were also a tiny baby
2016-05-25Helping baby take a bottle
2016-05-16How to protect a desk
2016-05-15What should I include in a journal of letters to my baby?
2016-05-07Advice for first out of country business trip
2016-05-01Vacation locations with no cars, anywhere in the world?
2016-04-29Too much Star Wars? I find your lack of faith disturbing...
2016-04-21How do I go about expert witnessing?
2016-04-20What's it like to live in or near Hammond, Indiana? Should I?
2016-04-19"How can I ""just do what I want"" when I don't know what I want?"
2016-04-10just a cheap imitation
2016-04-03Too many veggies - no soup for me!
2016-04-01How to deal with unwanted gifts that have great value to the gifter?
2016-03-31How to deal with unwanted gifts that have great value to the gifter?