Which comments by amanda were best answers in Ask MetaFilter?

2024-08-25How do you remember to take your pills?
2024-04-02Pest proof filler for crawlspaces?
2023-10-25Popping by
2023-08-25Chapter books with female protagonists minus stereotypes
2023-04-18Is RedBox the new Red Envelope?.....
2023-01-29Deciding on whether to sell a too-large house and buy a smaller one
2022-08-18how to accept partner's apology and move on
2022-07-31Bike stolen from building, have footage. What next?
2022-04-28jealousy, jealousy
2022-04-12my ex-friends hate me and i can't handle it
2022-04-03Replacing a Range
2022-03-23Help with birthdays & gifts? Strategy or a reframeā€¦
2022-03-15Have the things you find on the ground changed in the last 30 years?
2022-01-29Spammy marketers don't want you to know this one weird trick!
2022-01-17So I guess this is growing up
2021-11-04Buying a strip of our next-door neighbor's lot
2021-09-12Is there ever healing from a bad childhood?
2021-09-04How can a non-tech-savvy older woman avoid catfishers/scammers?
2021-08-24Logistics of Replacing Floors in Your Home?
2021-07-30Yellowstone Summer 2021
2021-07-19How to remove soot stain from Kiva fireplace?
2021-05-21At home cardio - What worked for you?
2021-05-10In-Law Filter: How to gracefully bow out of a family vacation?
2021-05-10In-Law Filter: How to gracefully bow out of a family vacation?
2021-04-18Ramifications of Canadian having surgery in U.S.
2021-03-24Is working from home going to give me lung cancer?
2021-03-16Do you recommend a compression band after pregnancy?
2021-03-15Name change to a chosen last name - anecdotal experiences?
2021-03-15Remodeling a kitchen with paint
2021-03-08Stacking dishes for an eventual small crowd
2021-03-02Is it normal to have daily energy crashes?
2021-03-01How do I get an orthodontist to stop ghosting us?
2021-02-24Should I get the vaccine right now?
2021-02-22It's a no from me, boss
2021-02-20bad fences make anxious neighbors
2021-01-22Portland Public Schools, how do they work?
2021-01-15Who to bring to the delivery room?
2020-10-04is there a way to sell/donate house fixtures before demolition?
2020-09-22How safe is a UK black cab?
2020-09-22How safe is a UK black cab?
2020-08-02Helped friend A help his friend B, then B paid me unexpectedly
2020-07-07help, I know nothing about lighting!
2020-05-21Which plates are really most durable?
2020-04-26Yoga without Adriene
2020-04-25Weighing risk to volunteer at food bank
2020-04-21Dusty Garage Springfield
2020-04-18Shopping During Coronavirus: Best Practices (Snowflakes Edition)
2020-04-04Where are tall fences common in the U.S. other than California?
2020-04-04Where are tall fences common in the U.S. other than California?
2020-03-22Need A Script For Confronting Banjo Player
2020-02-24How much responsibility do I have toward my tennis instructor?
2020-02-24Your *feelings* about minstrel-style banjos
2020-02-24love back rp3 lbdp c3po
2020-02-09Beer me brah
2020-01-12Why do people take dna tests for amusement? Why?!
2019-08-07Is my New Garage Floor Okay?
2019-06-08Personal finance for cash flow modeling
2019-06-06Name My Children (Small Group Categories Elementary)
2019-06-01Well, _________. That's why.
2019-04-22"Dental protocol on ""free"" cleaning"
2019-04-13Who are the people and birds in your neighborhood?
2019-04-01getting (some of the) things done
2019-02-25The vagueries of vaginas
2019-02-09Mouse Turds, Aging parent, Good Lord Hope Me Metafilter
2019-02-01Dealing with Long-Ago Shame at a Joyful Event
2019-01-31time tracking
2018-11-05Inexplicable noise in old house
2018-10-07In this situation, who was insensitive? (NSFW situation ahead)
2018-09-05To Gantt or not - landscape management At
2018-08-27Kids and Gender Identity Conundrum
2018-08-24Help me logic finding a new job
2018-07-17What's this exercise phenomenon called?
2018-07-09Best financing options for a home rennovation project, approx. 100k?
2018-07-08I need to consult a particular kind of expert.
2018-06-27Is my mom being scammed, and if so what can I do about it?
2018-06-10Is this what dating is like in 2018?
2018-05-21"Finances of buying then selling a ""starter home"""
2018-04-11Would you drop or be willing to ammend a Protective Order?
2018-02-01Can my LLC have a business-casual bank account?
2018-01-28Really? Nobody invented this yet?
2018-01-26What if I really WAS to blame for getting sexually assaulted?
2018-01-05Help us shop for some new bathroom vanity lights
2017-12-26New dishwasher, install question
2017-12-19I'd love to talk but I just can't.
2017-10-14Best way to track expenses after losing our house
2017-09-12My little boy asked me to buy him a dress. I have questions.
2017-08-10Have you ever done a trial run before seriously moving in together?
2017-07-21flexible seating for guests
2017-07-19Stuck In the Pseudo-Wife Zone
2017-07-19Boyfriend seeks to make amends but can I really trust him?
2017-07-19Boyfriend seeks to make amends but can I really trust him?
2017-06-09Fleas but no pets
2017-06-03S Corp or LLC?
2017-05-23How can we determine if a historic home is right for us?
2017-05-16Maybe if the augmentation is a hammer for smashing patriarchy?
2017-03-15Would noise cancelling headphones help me?
2017-03-03Science, please
2017-02-22Can I eat it, super old Costco cheese edition
2017-02-17I just want some plants and I want them to live!
2017-01-07The 40 Hour Workweek
2016-12-07bin me the heck up
2016-12-04Destination wedding when trying to get pregnant?
2016-11-12How to deal with split feelings on the Trump win inside your home?
2016-09-30Pregnant and uninsured
2016-05-12Maybe we can just have an annual lobster bake
2016-03-11Work Peer Keeps Doing my Job; Help.
2016-03-10Square Footage of a House
2016-03-05What Mattress Is Good for Kids?
2015-11-20What is this?
2015-11-20What is this?
2015-11-20What is this?
2015-11-18Fell into marketing... mid-life crisis a-go-go... how to escape?
2015-11-14How can this cost so much?
2015-11-11How to add some very dim lighting to see stairs at night?
2015-10-31Renting a wheelchair?
2015-10-23Love my job, don't love my boss, how do I transfer successfully?
2015-10-14a job at the same place my husband's ex works
2015-10-07I'm at the end of my rope with my picky eater.
2015-09-29Down to earth, period-correct home renovation resources.
2015-08-25white lady at a black hair salon
2015-08-15An urban planning tour of SF, Portland, and Seattle
2015-05-01Houseguest karma
2015-03-31Is the crack in our rental house's foundation an issue?
2015-02-28Trip cancellation etiquette amongst friends
2015-01-30Help me see the bright sides of parenting an only child
2015-01-09A house without a furnace?!
2014-12-28Did I do something wrong that I'm missing? Isn't college $ good?
2014-12-28Did I do something wrong that I'm missing? Isn't college $ good?
2014-12-26Am I Ungrateful for Feeling Conflicted About the Engagement Ring?
2014-11-29Scrum training towards PMP and its uses?
2014-11-21What is Thanksgiving in Los Angeles like?
2014-09-03Is my baby eating too much? Am I doing something super wrong?
2014-08-25This space unintentionally left male (mostly)
2014-07-06Introverted three year old and family get togethers
2014-07-04Travelling with a baby
2014-06-24Is my necklace racist?
2014-03-13Break my barn floor
2014-03-13Break my barn floor
2014-02-15Is it rude to bring a baby to a bed & breakfast?
2014-01-31Finding meaningful work and having an awesome marriage
2013-12-07Taking care of 2 babies without someone's head exploding?
2013-12-03A Job Offer with a Fee?
2013-11-16What is it like to own an old-ish farm property with a pond and stable?
2013-11-13Strategies for quality time with my wife when life gets in the way
2013-11-10fwb not beneficial
2013-10-02"How can I help young boys see value in playing with ""girl stuff""?"
2013-09-13Woman dancing in the Berlin Chair film clip
2013-08-23Can't fix the past; can I mend the present?
2013-08-16Can I make Fire + Wood Deck = Safe?
2013-08-01Working around pump jack braces
2013-08-01Working around pump jack braces
2013-07-21Vancouver, WA to Portland Airport
2013-05-29In search of a quality trinket.
2013-05-27Fellow Mefi architects, am I nuts?
2013-05-20I'd like to shimmy if you'd show me how...
2013-05-08My house keeps trying to light my car on fire.
2013-04-18"Explaining ""you're not welcome"" to family?"
2013-04-08Dirty Thirty... yeah right.
2013-03-07Winchester Mystery Rancher
2013-02-25Hey Zoltar, how will our house will apprase?
2013-02-19Is There Ever A Chance After You're Rejected?
2013-02-18Best floor seating?
2013-02-16I'm good for it, I promise!
2013-02-13There's learning additional skillsets. And then there's my ethics.
2013-02-02On the timeliness of relationships, on overcoming sexual trauma
2013-01-28Thoughtful small gift for a good samaritan?
2013-01-09Help my feet not get wet!
2012-12-22Help me deal with my sister's baby daddy's behavior.
2012-12-16Why can't I just get over this?
2012-12-04House is full of toxic fumes from neighbor's renovation -- what to do?
2012-11-20Question about artistic skills
2012-10-24It's so hard to say goodbye.
2012-10-20Can a second accident affect a yet-to-be-settled case?
2012-10-18Hangups with Hang-ups
2012-10-06How to swim? Rather, how to exist comfortably in water?
2012-09-24Settle this dispute - must we be literal ?
2012-09-23Swimming gear help please!
2012-09-22Did I just offend this landscaper?
2012-08-30Wait until losing last 15 lbs before upgrading wardrobe?
2012-08-06Do I have to choose between my son, or, my dad & stepmom?
2012-08-06I put my dishes in the drawer.
2012-07-31I'm guessing addressing the invitation to just my dad isn't going to cut it
2012-06-28My employers need an electrician. I need advice on hiring one!
2012-06-04Goin' fishin'
2012-06-04There's no good way to deal with this situation, but surely there are better ones.
2012-05-29How can I help my partner feel better after a random assault?
2012-05-24Seeing a guy who is moving at the end of summer. Had sex on first date. Should I continue things or terminate entirely?
2012-05-24How to tell work contacts I don't want them at my wedding?
2012-04-30Clear Glasses That Aren't Huge?
2012-04-19My baby is safe but keeps giving me nightmares.
2012-04-18DIY architecture
2012-04-17DIY architecture
2012-03-27Help me spin this.
2012-03-15PDX Filter: Looking for a day use open-air private hot tub / soaking tub in the Portland area.
2012-03-11Matchmaker, Matchmaker, make me a... snitch?
2012-03-07Is this Skyrim forum for real?
2012-03-06seriously, my baby is cute
2012-03-02Can I scuba dive with extreme fish allergies?
2012-02-14How can I set up a mildew-free workout space in my unfinished basement?
2011-12-18I want to give my great aunt a present -- but what?