Which comments by FencingGal were best answers in Ask MetaFilter?

2024-06-29What to do + eat in Vancouver- low energy vegetarian edition
2024-06-24Salad dressing inspiration needed
2024-05-31Collecting/'Treasure hunting' activities?
2024-01-26Flying and Covid Best Practices
2024-01-20What are the canonical literary discussions of suicide?
2023-12-15gadget: enhance
2023-12-14He wears his faith but as the fashion of his hat.
2023-12-06Friends, Romans, Countrymen; Lend me your Brothy Soup Recipes!
2023-11-28Nutritional confusion in the shopping aisle
2023-11-14What are your favourite vegetarian/vegan store cupboard comfort meals?
2023-11-14What are your favourite vegetarian/vegan store cupboard comfort meals?
2023-11-10A valuable book club book
2023-11-09What do I say to my friend who's likely dying?
2023-10-24A mystery of two Byron Katie books
2023-10-06Send Me Food!
2023-10-06Send Me Food!
2023-10-06Send Me Food!
2023-09-16Scrolling is taking a toll on my hands/arms/elbows.
2023-09-16Scrolling is taking a toll on my hands/arms/elbows.
2023-09-08Chatfilter: in search of anecdata
2023-08-20What fun miniature focused art and quotes can I put in a dollhouse?
2023-08-12Quippy sticker ideas for vintage shop customers?
2023-08-12Quippy sticker ideas for vintage shop customers?
2023-07-20Give me your daily puzzles!
2023-07-17How to choose & use health insurance, to avoid large medical bills?
2023-07-04Looking for men's socks online for large & wide feet + special reqs
2023-06-23Who is Garcia?
2023-06-22Mentoring Folks in Creative Writing
2023-06-14"Fresh ideas needed for having ""a nice time"""
2023-06-13I want to read about watching grass grow
2023-06-12Detroit/Grosse Point plant nursery recommendations
2023-06-08What's a delicious meal I can make with ONLY these ingredients?
2023-06-06What's your approach to keeping your wardrobe stain-free long term?
2023-05-01Colon cancer chronicles: surgery and some conflicting information
2023-04-30How do I spot & avoid this type of vindictive behavior?
2023-04-27Who is at fault in a pedestrian-car accident in this scenario?
2023-04-24Can anybody find meeeee....narrow nightstands with draaaawers?
2023-04-08Change in Blood Iron Level
2023-04-05Dress shopping for conservative Sikh temple wedding
2023-03-28What to know about a second insurance policy?
2023-03-14Language precision needed please
2023-03-12How to prep my new house for an approaching winter storm
2023-03-06Vegan recipes that are… inherently vegan?
2023-03-06"Usage of 20th century U.S. slang ""If you don't think X you're crazy!"""
2023-03-02How to stop jeans from getting blue dye on everything?
2023-02-20Fun, immersive, slow-paced group creative writing classes online?
2023-02-09What are some smaller tournaments/competitions to watch in 2023?
2023-01-31Metaphors That Work
2023-01-28Help me with trivia questions, on certain subjects
2023-01-14Challah for the risk adverse
2023-01-09Help learning conjunctions!
2022-12-29librarian donna reed forever!!!
2022-12-19Dead last
2022-12-02Vegan Latkes
2022-11-29What are the best things to make at home?
2022-11-16Are there any extra-nice reading glasses?
2022-11-10the internet of beans
2022-11-02Vegan showstoppers for vegans who want to cook more
2022-10-21Dance of Death media?
2022-10-13Where's my easy dessert recipe?
2022-10-11Looking for support for a family member who's affected by cancer
2022-10-04Colonoscopy + being awake = ?
2022-09-25Help me come up with a Remote Work Team Social event that doesn't suck
2022-09-23Just whistle while you walk
2022-08-20"Help me find a skirt – back to the office edition!
2022-07-30High-fiber foods on a road trip?
2022-07-30High-fiber foods on a road trip?
2022-07-29To wash or not to wash, that is the question
2022-07-28"""Escort"" required for my upcoming endoscopy."
2022-07-23How Do I Go About Changing a California State Licensing Requirement
2022-06-22the umbrella of aunt
2022-06-13Why do people say they want to do something but then never do it?
2022-06-02Is there a Mister Rogers in your neighborhood?
2022-05-23When do I apply for Social Security benefits?
2022-05-12[FoodFilter] Non-sugary, portable breakfasts/snacks that keep well?
2022-05-01Need more variety for work-from-home lunches
2022-04-29Is it wrong to use these antique postcards as postcards?
2022-04-28Stories of Long, Successful Recoveries (Neurology Edition)
2022-04-28Where is a pot a kettle?
2022-04-27Termination of employment
2022-04-24How do I center my creative practice while working remotely?
2022-04-23What are the options for a questioning Catholic?
2022-04-22What are the options for a questioning Catholic?
2022-04-20Things to do in St. George, Utah
2022-04-18A high school fraternity *and* untouched by the Great Depression?
2022-04-16Selling a coin collection: how much to pay an appraiser/seller?
2022-04-12useful skills for the apocalypse
2022-04-10Names in Mc or Mac – do you put a space?
2022-04-07Recommendations for how to feel slightly less awful during treatment
2022-04-05Naming a dental practice
2022-04-05Lace Locks
2022-03-27Not “Eat, Pray, Love” but what instead?
2022-03-09Research helper for insurance gap?
2022-02-26What are the facts about ostrich riding?
2022-02-18Dealing with medical fear
2022-02-08please give me all of your advertisements gone wrong
2022-02-08please give me all of your advertisements gone wrong
2022-01-30What are the most effective resolutions you've ever made?
2022-01-13Item based experiences under 75$?
2022-01-05What are your favorite plant-based foods/brands?
2021-12-24How do I automate healthy eating?
2021-12-09Homeowners in the US: do tradespeople call you back?
2021-12-07is there someone I can pay to put air in my own tires for me?
2021-11-27Living with immune suppression in 2021
2021-11-27Visions of Sugarplums Danced in ONE Head
2021-11-26US Presidents, eating with chopsticks
2021-11-21Who gets the Thanksgiving invite
2021-11-16Bone Density Tests and Mammograms: Pros and Cons
2021-11-13Implications of allowing Ex to claim both kids as dependents
2021-10-26Was this a case of medical neglect?
2021-10-21Poems about makers
2021-09-24Won the Grand Canyon/Phantom Ranch Lottery & doesn't want to go!
2021-09-21"In search of my ""Rosebud."" "
2021-09-19Should cat go to the vet?
2021-09-19Should cat go to the vet?
2021-09-19Should cat go to the vet?
2021-09-11Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
2021-08-31French TV series on Netflix?
2021-08-14Going to a fair during a Pandemic - Delta Variant, animals, and me.
2021-08-09How accurate is the Hollywood stereotype of what mathematicians do?
2021-07-31Tactics for improving fiction writing (craft, narrative, characters)
2021-07-16Is this sentence grammatically correct?
2021-07-15Which phrase is more correct?
2021-07-15Why are Goodreads reviews of my debut novel (before it's out) so mean?
2021-07-14Cataract surgery: How much time between procedures?
2021-07-12The Cake Is (Not) A Lie!
2021-07-06book recommendations: modern retelling of ancient people
2021-07-03Do (my parents &) I have to foot the whole bill for birthday party?
2021-07-01Is it normal for a plumber to show up outside of scheduled appointments?
2021-06-30Apartment Hacks: Storage and Organization
2021-06-23Perspective and Permission
2021-06-06I think this a craigslist scam but what can I do to escape it?
2021-06-02what are we gonna do about the stuff?
2021-05-21Terrible Gift Giver Looking for Broadly Relevant Gift Ideas
2021-05-05Vegan hockey gear
2021-04-20Tea mug with historical motif
2021-03-23NaPoWriMo online accountability groups?
2021-02-28Why are there no comedy vicars in American sitcoms?
2021-02-12How common is a second mammogram?
2021-01-22How to help, social services edition
2021-01-14Lowering blood pressure without medication
2020-12-27Movies like Shakespeare Behind Bars
2020-12-25Doctor Who New Years Party Ideas
2020-12-07amuse my bouche
2020-12-01Gremlins of the human kind
2020-11-28When I turn 50 I want to grow up to be....
2020-11-28When I turn 50 I want to grow up to be....
2020-11-10Tackling high interest debt
2020-11-02Happy hour deliveries to my remote work team?
2020-11-02Weight Loss Help: Normal BMI Edition
2020-10-22Family distancing in a time of Coronavirus
2020-10-05What are some highly regarded books that have faded into obscurity?
2020-08-05What are the spices in balandėliai (Lithuanian cabbage rolls)?
2020-06-16"Ethical dilemma - eBay item supplied as ""gift"" via Amazon. Now what? "
2020-06-08Chemotherapy Port
2020-06-05Experiences with water fasting
2020-06-05Experiences with water fasting
2020-06-03Breaking into medical/pharma editing
2020-05-29"Books for boys that aren't about farts, butts, or ""no girls allowed"""
2020-05-29Proofreading for love and for money
2020-05-04What do you do while waiting for a potentially terminal diagnosis?
2020-05-04What do you do while waiting for a potentially terminal diagnosis?
2020-04-15What are the epidemiological side effects of mass social distancing?
2020-04-13Responsible Shopping During Covid-19?
2020-04-12Website recommendations for life skills?
2020-04-01Subcutaneous Injections: how?
2020-03-28Poems for upper elementary students
2020-03-28Covid-19, Craigslist and NextDoor
2020-03-28Quotes and parenthesis and grammar, oh my!
2020-03-11Freelance (academic?) editing: Where to begin?
2020-03-04Know of any blogs or books about families who move away from the US?
2020-02-28It's not hoarding, it's planning: possible pandemic pantry edition.
2020-02-26Capitalisation is the least of the boy's worries.
2020-02-24Your *feelings* about minstrel-style banjos
2020-02-22Routines: sticking to the plan with tenacity
2020-02-13Jazz Age Songs About Tough Guys
2020-02-09Grammar question with quotes and question marks
2020-01-28Help me like a food I can't stand!
2020-01-23Plumber is overcharging - what to do?
2020-01-20Help formatting a document for a critique
2020-01-12Why do people take dna tests for amusement? Why?!
2019-12-218 Crazy Legs
2019-12-13Help Me Crack the Internet and Find Medical Movies With Surgical Precisi
2019-12-10Birdwatching resources for kids
2019-12-10Reading and watching recommendations: weight loss, society, and you
2019-12-08Is it ethical to post negative reviews for small-time bloggers?
2019-12-03Gift idea for a 6-year-old girl about which I know nothing
2019-12-01The lonely, lonely air fryer
2019-11-30The lonely, lonely air fryer
2019-11-30Professional Fairy Godmother
2019-11-05Children's classics. Difficulty level: non-racist
2019-10-31Help me find other people who are questioning their faith
2019-10-27What is pride?
2019-10-17Help us survive our first family snowy winter in a mountain home
2019-10-15What kind of birthday cake would you like?
2019-10-13My beautiful blue broom
2019-10-04Parents want to leave bulk (all?) to my brother, in their will
2019-10-01Essays/Articles That Opened Your Mind
2019-10-01Essays/Articles That Opened Your Mind
2019-09-22literature on the small cruelties of life