Which comments by seanmpuckett were best answers in Ask MetaFilter?

2024-12-19How would you approach this lingering congestion?
2024-11-01What are some mental tricks to endure an unpleasant event?
2024-10-13How to balance my smartphone on my chest when lying down
2024-10-11Source to learn about gut flora / probiotics.
2024-10-04Ways to save money on food?
2024-09-29Should I leave my comfortable dead-end job?
2024-09-21boat, landing
2024-09-21boat, landing
2024-09-07Sore feet and hands?
2024-07-19"""Roofless"" decks that can keep in the cats"
2024-07-10Suggestions for hiking or utility shorts.
2024-06-03Montreal Suggestions
2024-06-02Montreal Suggestions
2024-05-27Balcony flooring recommendations?
2024-05-26Wood bed frame claims to have 1,500 lb weight limit. Really?
2024-05-26Wood bed frame claims to have 1,500 lb weight limit. Really?
2024-05-13Are Dysons worth it vs. knockoffs?
2024-05-10Help me rip the mask off: Immunocompromised 2024
2024-05-09"Quickest, easiest, no-fuss, bare-bones ""blog"" / sharing space?"
2024-03-29Disable internal wifi hardware on MacBook
2024-03-26Bakers of Askme!
2024-03-10How to get a doctor's appointment this week
2024-03-05Gentle soothing activities for a very tired person
2024-03-05Super accurate paper cutter
2024-03-03iPhone SE and iOS 17 Battery Life Issues?
2024-02-19Would we really need snow tires?
2024-02-17Stock trading as future self employment?
2024-02-17Cheap lightbox for displaying large translucent poster on wall?
2024-02-17Cheap lightbox for displaying large translucent poster on wall?
2024-01-12Shows like The Knick / Peaky Blinders
2024-01-09Reengaging the neighborhood, building community. Print? Digital?
2023-12-30Find me those Haband pants
2023-12-22Slippity doo-dah
2023-12-16Dream much, Will?
2023-10-31Spouses of ppl with blood sugar issues
2023-10-16Knee pain from exercise in a forty something
2023-10-11Grippiest shelf-liner to keep a cat bed from flying off a desk?
2023-10-06What are the best jasmine-scented products?
2023-09-16What should I use to stain this unfinished furniture?
2023-09-12Sewer backup flooded basement unit. How likely is mold (etc.) in walls?
2023-08-19Given the direction of AI, does it make sense to learn basic coding?
2023-08-04Baby, can you drive my car?
2023-07-17What's like Apple News and/or an iPad Mini?
2023-04-28How to wire a bathroom fan to go on with light switch?
2023-04-17How do I make fonts (nicely) bigger on a Mac with an external monitor?
2023-04-17How do I make fonts (nicely) bigger on a Mac with an external monitor?
2023-03-14How can I find this same type of umbrella?
2023-03-07Google WiFi mesh enough or do I need to upgrade?
2023-02-08How to handle unconstructive feedback from a professional body
2023-02-05Where would you take a foreign exchange student on spring break?
2022-11-27How much life there is left in iPhone 7? what's next?
2022-08-23How do you sand old stain off lathe-turned table legs?
2022-08-20"Help me find a skirt – back to the office edition!
2022-07-133d Printing and Avoiding Clutter
2022-06-11Ratio for cold brew that equals a shot of espresso?
2022-05-22Why should I consider moving to Montreal?
2022-02-23Tips for first-time condo owners
2021-06-02Book recommendations: likable characters, good writing, humor
2021-03-24Choosing between unlimited time off and ... unlimited time off.
2021-02-28Selling home in WA State - potential buyer using VA loan
2021-02-15Can you break my power tool purchase gridlock?
2021-02-10Ready to fire the thing into the sun
2021-02-07How Can I Learn About Rock Music Arrangements?
2020-12-29Repairing a broken tub faucet
2020-12-28How to Optimize a MBP Purchase for Gaming/Design
2020-09-01Product to fill in between old wood floor planks?
2020-07-09Quarantine workout/yoga video suggestions
2020-06-22Old basement, Stinky HVAC Air: What Can We Do?
2020-06-20Buying high-quality art prints online
2020-06-09abolish? defund?
2020-04-19Messy but sterile
2020-03-28Buying prints that are larger than the original illustration
2020-02-28Living with the sound of doors slamming?
2020-02-26Buying from Ukranian or Russian Web Store from the US?
2020-01-30"5. Doesn't rhyme with ""lavachipped"""
2020-01-25Chinese B2C Shopping sites?
2020-01-23How can I grow to like someone I don't?
2020-01-15Starting a new gym program in the new year
2020-01-13Save the cat pictures! (Help me pick a home NAS)
2020-01-11Loosing the connection
2019-12-28"Howto: preserve multi-folded 8.5x11"" document I carry in pants pocket?"
2019-12-17where can I read things out loud for fun?
2019-11-29What do I want for Festivus?
2019-10-31How to not be a jerk to some realtors
2019-10-11How to save the planet - one protest song at a time
2019-10-11Car insurance for a car you haven't bought yet?
2019-10-05(How) should I try to rehab a bad kisser?
2019-08-13Where can I find clothing like Roselinlin?
2019-07-11I got a Dartboard! Yeah! But how do I install it?
2019-06-01What's it like being on Celexa?
2019-04-29Can an apartment block owner rent Airbnbs in their own building?
2019-04-14what is this thing?
2019-04-11Your tips for managing my finances?
2019-04-05trouble eating in the morning
2019-04-04Time to kill in Miami, what to do for 5ish hours?
2019-03-20What to do before moving everything into a new home?
2019-03-14I exercise best on an empty stomach. How can I work out in the evenings?
2019-03-10Should I host this houseguest again?
2019-02-28Is this a relationship red flag/incompatibility?
2019-02-21An American Werewolf in Canada
2019-02-13Rectangle seeks legwear
2019-02-12Rural roads. Gravel or asphalt?
2019-01-10Kickstarter Video - Optional or Required?
2018-12-27How to deal with men's negative humor?
2018-12-16Pescatarian Keto... give me your best plans!
2018-12-03Gift recs to kit out a small travel trailer?
2018-11-29Ugh, you know what? F*ck pretty!!!
2018-11-26How do I make a name for myself as an artist?
2018-11-21Settling in on Crone Island
2018-11-17Graphic design for the cockeyed
2018-11-15Two Furminators for two cat hair lengths?
2018-11-14A photo printer that actually works—does this magical unicorn exist?
2018-11-05What helped you directly face a fear?
2018-10-25Baby, it's cold outside
2018-10-18What is it like to be cold?
2018-10-12Adulting 101: Step up from jeans and hoodies
2018-10-05What kind of wire is this, and where can I buy more?
2018-10-03Paint sprayer- Help me choose?
2018-09-27Ontario road trip - what should I see/do/eat? (especially in Toronto)
2018-09-25How to replicate these printed wood signs?
2018-09-15how to not overengineer woodworking projects
2018-09-11Leaving raw chicken out for 2 hours?
2018-08-29Mold in apartment
2018-08-28My teapot lid is cracked
2018-07-02Water condensing on pipes before reaching HVAC evaporator coils?
2018-06-17CatHairpocalypse. Going to die from Feline Lung soon. Send help.
2018-06-13A (slide) scanner easily
2018-05-29Boys to Men - Rites of passage from scratch?
2018-05-28 How to clean my floor (linoleum kitchen edition)
2018-05-22What does this symbol look like to you?
2018-05-22ISO easily digested resources for calling out an online misogynist?
2018-05-20How can I join the broken ends of a pond filter/pump hose?
2018-05-13Relationship troubles at a boiling point
2018-04-17Bespoke or stacking an enormous cabinet?
2018-04-09What kind of haircut do I want?
2013-07-20Is CarBuyCo a reputable service? Experiences?
2013-07-13Looking for a solar lit acrylic, plastic, whatever sheet
2013-07-09What are some nice ways to improve a gross concrete backyard?
2013-07-08I wanna be on a m-----f----n' boat!
2013-07-06Help My Wood Look Good
2013-07-04Browse unique photos and videos on Windows laptop.
2013-06-26No PC sync on Canon 6D? No problem!
2013-06-26No PC sync on Canon 6D? No problem!
2013-06-24No PC sync on Canon 6D? No problem!
2013-06-24Resources and advice for maintaining a koi pond?
2013-06-23Resources and advice for maintaining a koi pond?
2013-06-23Resources and advice for maintaining a koi pond?
2013-06-16"What are some great ""one-man band"" albums?"
2013-06-13Need help choosing a rad pattern for a motorcycle seat.
2013-06-10What should I bid to implement a fairly simple Python scheduling system?
2013-06-09How nice of a laptop do I want?
2013-05-16Is it a bad idea to keep a MacBook Pro plugged in while charged?
2013-05-15Is this a real game? Or is it just fantasy?
2013-05-13How can I be as supportive as possible of an abuse victim?
2013-04-22How to get SimLife running in OS X?
2013-03-28Cooking Gluten & Dairy Free = Vaccuum that sucks up all of our time.
2013-03-26Why is my body mad at me?
2013-03-05What is going on with my cat?
2013-02-28Cleaning lady inflating work hours
2013-02-05Is it over already?!
2013-02-04Two professionals working together; who do I tip?
2013-02-04Should I find an apartment without seeing it in person?
2013-02-04Accidental polyamory: is this how it's supposed to work?
2013-02-01Is there a good way to respond to assumers as opposed to questioners?
2013-01-30How do real grownups host small professional-ish dinner parties?
2013-01-29That's no moon
2013-01-29How to assemble 500 image slices into a printable PDF
2013-01-292d Animation for Marketing Videos - What tools should I learn (Windows)?
2013-01-28How to thicken liquid, namely water or milk.
2013-01-28How to thicken liquid, namely water or milk.
2013-01-24My niece just broke her two front newly-descended adult teeth.
2013-01-22MacBook Pro i5 vs i7 -- Prius body with Lamborghini guts
2013-01-19What are not-hideous clothes for a man to quickly wear to walk a dog?
2013-01-16Data Driven Clinical Care - Dynamic Graphing Website
2013-01-10Taking a clear photo from far away.
2013-01-08Funding for photography exhibition in London or New York?
2013-01-04Whats wrong with Apple Mail IMAP
2013-01-04What good things come in little packages?
2012-12-22How to I keep in touch with my one-and-only squeeze for a week without squeezing my bank account?
2012-12-20Help me not get painful static shocks to my hands at Costco please.
2012-12-19It shouldn't be this hard when Toronto is barely 100 miles from Buffalo, OK?
2012-12-19Let my kid upload gaming videos to YouTube?
2012-12-18Non-fiction recs SVP
2012-12-10Pre-teen Daughter Wants Skateboard for Christmas
2012-11-27Powerpoint - stick to 4:3 or go widescreen?
2012-11-21Invented language vs. familiar words in fiction?
2012-11-16Is no job better than a poor job?
2012-11-14Best Low-Drain, Long-Life Battery
2012-11-14Business etiquette landmines to avoid when making a sales pitch to Japanese business owners.
2012-11-14Best Low-Drain, Long-Life Battery
2012-11-13Earth: the new Venus
2012-10-30I feel trapped from being too different?
2012-10-30I feel trapped from being too different?
2012-10-02Maintaining Inner and Outer Beauty : How Have You Women (&Men!) Done It Over The Years?
2012-09-30Unsolved Mystery of the Disappearing Print Ink
2012-09-20Shoes as durable as Dr Martens in Toronto?
2012-09-13Can I sell my photos of people?
2012-09-11I'm not trying to be cheap, but our resources are also finite...
2012-09-03Nikon D5100 lens for youth sports?