Which comments by cocoagirl were best answers in Ask MetaFilter?

2024-12-20Encourage or discourage my crazy litterbox design
2024-10-13USA blue-state MeFites: how to help campaign for Harris-Walz?
2024-09-17pre-teen daughter accessing porn through Libby app -- help!
2024-09-15Can I eat it, Hamburger Helper edition
2024-08-03earth auger
2024-06-15Ice Cream Sandwich Cookie Help
2024-04-30How to track medical data?
2024-04-26What is Essence of Mereby?
2024-04-23Recipes with high return on investment
2024-04-20DIY Dishwasher Installation?
2024-04-18Good movie for romantic anniversary movie night?
2024-03-23Working on more lyrics ...
2024-03-13"What does ""normal"" look like in London vs Chicago"
2024-02-20Exposure therapy when you can't be near The Thing?
2024-02-03Help me find the lyrics to Labour Song?
2023-11-21"Help a storyteller/very conceptual person get a little better at ""tl;dr"""
2023-11-21What are your must try goodies from Iceland?
2023-11-02Non-greasy lip balm
2023-10-13How to get out of carrot and stick parenting style.
2023-09-16How can I grow my social media presence as a journalist?
2023-09-06Advice for a memorial slideshow
2023-09-03 What are some memorable but not catchy melodies in indie and folk rock?
2023-07-01Managing resentment towards brothers about caregiving
2023-06-13Resturants that deliver to the Boston Logan Hilton
2023-06-09Current Options for SIM Card in France, Samsung Galaxy S10e Unlocked
2023-05-30Last minute birthday gift by mail for college student
2023-05-22What color should we paint our house?
2023-05-21"Wedding reading for ""love after hitting rock bottom"""
2023-05-12Is planting a trigger for future mindfulness a named rhetorical device?
2023-02-25Where is a sort of Mondrian mural in Manhattan?
2023-02-17How do I make a cake when my resources are depleted?
2023-02-13I accidentally set my 14 yr old up for an engineering internship. HELP.
2023-02-07Where should I travel in March on my own?
2023-02-05Resources for a remote road trip workation, US version.
2023-02-01Northern VA/MD/DC area housing help please!
2023-01-12Covid: the first 48 hours
2023-01-12Covid: the first 48 hours
2022-11-07Love in a cold climate — what to wear with this dress?
2022-10-31Help me deglutinate this pumpkin bread
2022-08-27Help me help my kid play Minecraft
2022-08-24Human composting (vs. cremation or burial): legality & experiences
2022-08-06Can you help me solve these 10 Boston Location Riddles?
2022-07-28"""Escort"" required for my upcoming endoscopy."
2022-07-20Where are the dads?
2022-07-093D printing ideas for grandparents
2022-07-08Make Me Scream
2022-06-29Apartment water pressure is abysmal - options?
2022-06-15Tips for writing a book over 4-month maternity leave
2022-06-09March for our Lives Protest, Need Ideas
2022-04-03Sadness over ghosting; how to deal?
2022-01-23My formerly abusive father is dying. Help me confront him.
2022-01-14Looking for a piece of music from This American Life
2021-12-13I can't remember anything about this album. What is it?
2021-12-06For various book genres, what really upsets their readers?
2021-10-11What should I do for an editing class?
2021-09-17What type of art frame is this?
2021-09-08Activities for learning how to let go.
2021-07-23Tips on re-energizing for mental work in the evening after a taxing day?
2021-06-27Williams records in Almost Famous
2021-06-12How to prevent viscose from s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g?
2021-04-25Advice For A New Private School Board of Trustees Co-Chair?
2021-02-21My favourite shirt is almost dead.
2021-01-04Gentle exercise routines without the gym
2021-01-01How to gracefully renege on a business commitment?
2020-11-06"Songs for ""just coasting"""
2020-10-16I want to make dioramas with a twist
2020-10-09Grieving the tender, intimate moments
2020-08-25Auto mechanic Cambridge / Somerville MA
2020-07-25Live stream a wedding with big screen at the location?
2020-06-07Nobody who would insult a gift from grandma is worth it
2020-06-01My whole body hurts. What's going on?
2020-05-09Your favorite heists!
2020-05-01Consoling passages from poetry or drama or song?
2020-04-13"hey siri, google ""doors under rich person lawn gilded age what do"""
2020-02-14For the love of Lobster Stock/broth
2020-02-05Tips for providing short-term help with my grandfather's imminent death?
2019-12-11How to say it
2019-11-28Irish Funeral Poem
2019-11-18:siren: calling all ice cream making mefites :siren:
2019-10-24Do I really need the 5k car maintenance service?
2019-10-05(How) should I try to rehab a bad kisser?
2019-09-28It rubs the lotion on its skin...
2019-09-22literature on the small cruelties of life
2019-09-03What are the limits of post relationship ethics?
2019-08-18Winterize my car or buy another?
2019-06-20Billiards or Pool around Metrowest, MA
2019-05-23Supporting my kid who is starting bilingual K in the fall.
2019-04-27Suggestions for wedding gifts?
2019-04-25Reasonable to skip a tricky wedding? difficulty level: mom
2019-04-20Etiquette for delaying date(?) until after divorce
2019-04-02Black pens in The Hedgehog?
2019-03-08Wedding Vows: Seeking Suggestions & Guidance
2019-01-06Problem with new progressive bifocals
2018-11-19Seeking waterproof very warm winter coat
2018-08-27Promising professional contact has turned weird, what next?
2018-07-04Tweens and chores - talking points needed
2018-05-27How to handle dating (with anxious attachment)?
2018-05-13Relationship troubles at a boiling point
2018-03-19This is doomed, yes?
2018-03-17A one woman garden
2018-02-12Help me surprise my partner for his last day of a job!
2018-01-19Your 6 year olds favorite books
2017-12-01Getting comfortable with dating uncertainty
2017-11-21How to ask for what you need/want in dating?
2017-08-17Thank god we didn't meet before we were 30
2017-07-04How do you reconcile attachment differences?
2017-06-05Live now, or plan for the future?
2017-04-28Friends for life?
2017-04-19Planning my will - need ideas for trustees for a trust for a child
2017-03-31Pimp my curb appeal; or: What to change for the biggest impact?
2016-11-13Looking for fun restaurants for kids in Boston
2016-11-13Looking for fun restaurants for kids in Boston
2016-11-01Does the look I'm thinking of even exist?
2016-10-14Odd Man Out Tightens the Belt
2016-09-29Best WOW dessert recipe
2016-04-10Consumable Gifts for Kids
2016-04-04Was my ex a narcissist?
2016-04-03"What is a ""MUST BUY"" in London?"
2016-02-11Good morning, sunshine!
2015-07-22Help me find my people - online or group support for infidelity
2015-04-28Help me monkey-proof these stairs
2015-04-22I am suffering from a stupid, stupid work crush
2015-04-16Talk to me about crib bumpers and the risk/benefit analysis.
2014-10-21What Are These Adhesive Bookmarks Made Of?
2014-10-10Help me decorate a door....
2014-09-20Can you identify this mystery ornament?
2014-08-10Pleasant places to walk in Cambridge/Somerville and points west
2014-06-30How much might a sleepover nanny charge?
2013-12-19Online dating is a numbers game, so help me improve my numbers
2013-11-03Can you identify this vacation destination (c 1950)?
2013-04-07How do I politely end a friendship that has gone down the rabbit hole?
2013-03-28You are not a doctor, but maybe you can help me with a weird skin thing.
2013-01-28origami on the wall?
2013-01-11Safe TV series for teenage convalescent?
2013-01-07Five days with a DSLR. What to shoot?
2013-01-03... all the trouble of a B.A. in English literature
2012-09-02Sexy Classic Rock Makout Mix
2012-08-02I vant to PAHMP. ME. AHP.
2012-07-04Little kids, big tree?
2012-06-07No I do not sparkle.
2012-06-03Just about done with this game of life.
2012-04-19My baby is safe but keeps giving me nightmares.
2012-03-17This has to be better than the road trips of our youth, because our van has air conditioning!
2012-03-12Double, Double, Toile and Trouble...
2012-03-09How can I be ok with feeling negative emotions?
2012-01-27Breast of both worlds?
2012-01-13Orange wall ISO design help
2011-11-24Thanksgiving Day kids activities?
2011-11-05Stylistic successor to William James
2011-10-23Is this good exertion or bad exertion - heart rate question
2011-07-08Are baby hats with tie-strings safe?
2010-11-02Kid-friendly restaurants in Boston?
2010-10-17Why am I waking up at 3?
2010-09-04You built a time machine... out of a '74 SAAB wagon?!
2010-08-04Is there a trick for calming baby kicks during a diaper change?
2010-07-22Books About a New Sibling for Toddlers?
2010-06-25Tripping on Independence Day
2010-06-20Explain the baptismal ceremony to a non-believer who will be attending?
2010-05-17Awesome ABA reinforcers for kids (i.e., toys / games / activities)
2010-02-22Actually I hope there is not much devastation left to see...
2010-02-18Midnight (Paper-Based) Snacks
2010-02-08Too late for a basin or a mop: pretreating vomit soiled laundry
2010-01-31Open ice skating in Boston area
2010-01-21Shaking the hand that feeds you.
2009-12-13Where to find candy supplies in Boston?
2009-10-30Generative music toys
2009-10-28Generative music toys
2009-10-22Brooklyn, Brooklyn, take me in
2009-10-17Help my boy teeth without BPA exposure.
2009-10-15I can never think of a good title to my questinos. Sorry.
2009-10-14Help me file everything perfectly.
2009-09-05Nursing clothes
2009-07-25Do you have this tunic...but 3x larger?
2009-07-22Cell Phone Query
2009-07-06Help me find interesting churches
2009-02-12Need to improve my house cleaning skills
2009-01-12What do we need before the little guy arrives?
2008-12-12Words, let me read them to you
2008-12-07You are not my swimming coach - or are you?
2008-11-17Keep Me Hangin' On
2008-11-17Train travel around France and Italy for cosy travellers
2008-11-13What kind of car should we get?
2008-10-02How is my house making me, my girlfriend, and my dogs sick?
2008-09-30rub me right
2008-09-30Seeking calendar w/out year or days of the week.
2008-09-28How do I get there from here? (Lexington/Burlington MA)
2008-09-25The Right to Bare Arms
2008-09-25Mum thinks it's OK to sub-contract childcare - what do you think?
2008-09-10Walking in the cold, getting hot, then going to class. Ugh.
2008-09-05Sweet, sweet candy
2008-08-16Curse you, estrogen!
2008-08-15Where can I find a water gun in Boston? (or how can I make one?)
2008-08-10Help me be a better veterinarian
2008-08-02High-quality hair doo-dads for AA toddler
2008-07-24Identify my plant and its pest
2008-07-22Amusing a two-year old
2008-06-24Why does my baby hate me?