Which comments by PhoBWanKenobi were best answers in Ask MetaFilter?

2022-06-22Help me remember this obscure sci-fi featuring cross-species gay lovers!
2022-06-22Help me remember this obscure sci-fi featuring cross-species gay lovers!
2021-12-19Trans and non-binary art
2021-11-06What's my style called?
2020-12-07What to get two girls (ages 4 and 6) for Christmas?
2020-10-22COVID indoor time conflict
2020-06-28A question about doubled depth perception or wonky binocular vision
2020-04-29An already reluctant learner and COVID-19 distance learning
2020-02-12How would Mister Rogers go no contact?
2020-02-11How would Mister Rogers go no contact?
2019-11-28Substitutes for ranitidine
2019-10-03Recommend me a word processor?
2019-09-07Campfire songs with a baseline
2019-09-05Looking for fiction where character's fiction appears
2019-09-05Looking for fiction where character's fiction appears
2019-08-31Ok, doctor, what's next?
2019-08-31Ok, doctor, what's next?
2019-06-23Baby rules
2019-06-23Baby rules
2019-06-12Very specific fiction formatting question
2019-04-06Cloven hoof prints turn up in the garden.
2019-03-03Should I have sex with him? ( xxx subject matter)
2019-01-01AAVE “lite”? Question about slang appropriation
2018-11-27What is it like to breastfeed beyond one year?
2018-11-27What is it like to breastfeed beyond one year?
2018-10-13Punk personal style as an adult
2018-10-09"More, ""Did We Just Become Best Friends?"""
2018-10-07New Paltz schools - what's the deal?
2018-08-26Kids and Gender Identity Conundrum
2018-06-14Konmari: 3 years later
2018-05-06Must I walk barefoot over Legos to get to the good stuff?
2018-05-012nd best way to start new garden beds?
2018-05-012nd best way to start new garden beds?
2018-04-25Recommendations for pastel hair dyes
2018-03-04Best bra for people with sensory issues or sensitive skin
2018-02-15When Your Teen Starts Dating: Protocols
2018-02-08Toddler skin turns red after oatmeal exposure. Allergy?
2018-01-26Bra Hack?
2018-01-20How often to empty a vacuum cleaner?
2017-12-31How to not ANGRY at mildly wrong spouse?
2017-12-19I need a fluffy hug of a book
2017-11-17Can you re-mineralize/grow/repair your tooth enamel?
2017-11-02Babies and Multitasking
2017-10-14What do I do with an enormous wooden cradle?
2017-09-02What is worth paying a *little* more for?
2017-08-28Where to live in the NE US?
2017-05-25Should I see a doc for this sprain? Is there a Betteridge's law of Ask?
2017-04-04Bed frame w middle support: will it wreck all mattresses?
2017-03-27Is it possible to cut off just *one* toxic family member?
2017-02-25Raising a child who has lost a parent
2017-02-11How do I get ready to play video games with my kid?
2017-02-07Places with four distinct seasons?
2017-02-04Help me dress like a primary school art teacher! [UK filter]
2017-01-16Easing a difficult childcare transition: help!
2017-01-09The revolution will be sung, not televised
2017-01-05Would you eat it: gelatinous bone broth soup?
2016-12-25how to wait tables?
2016-12-25Can you mail a copy of a book to an author & ask them to sign it?
2016-12-14Ever use a LEGO broker?
2016-10-02Help mediating sibling spats?
2016-08-02Examples of being considerate/caring?
2016-07-05What are some fictional examples of archaeology/ruins set in the future?
2016-06-26How best to manage YouTube on an iPad for a child?
2016-06-22Period’s very late suddenly, not pregnant, what do?
2016-06-07inexpensive, decent vacuum cleaner?
2016-06-07inexpensive, decent vacuum cleaner?
2016-06-03Replacing our bed with futon to save space?
2016-04-25In total cognitive dissonance re: physical punishment. Please help.
2016-04-25In total cognitive dissonance re: physical punishment. Please help.
2016-04-03PMDD, PPD, or just D?
2016-03-07baby led weaning is just a fancy name for finger food
2016-03-07baby led weaning is just a fancy name for finger food
2016-03-07baby led weaning is just a fancy name for finger food
2015-11-14My boobs are on strike against my pump.
2015-11-14My boobs are on strike against my pump.
2015-11-04Who lives, who dies, who tells your story to preschoolers?
2015-11-03What is the etiquette for ending a long-term friendship?
2015-10-14To Unbox... or not to Unbox...
2015-09-29Down to earth, period-correct home renovation resources.
2015-08-24Why can't I just be happy for her?
2015-05-17Replacing Cow-shaped Pencil Sharpener
2015-05-01Attachment Parenting = Securely Attached Child?
2015-04-15How often do you replace your vacuum cleaner?
2015-04-15How often do you replace your vacuum cleaner?
2015-03-09Why do I keep getting cavities?
2015-03-08Baby is Flipping Out
2015-02-18Diapergeddon 2015
2015-02-12A Formula to Apply to This Stressful Situation
2015-01-28Abscess or just sore swollen dental ligaments?
2015-01-22Just say No!
2015-01-18Vacuum Cleaner that Truly Sucks
2015-01-12There's a plaaaaace for us...somewhere a plaaaace for us...
2014-12-15What are the objections against Amazon?
2014-12-15Losing Weight - Difficulty Level:Parent
2014-12-01Cat drama. Must fix. Winter is coming!
2014-11-22Two parts woo, one part science.
2014-09-22Food for the mostly toothless
2014-09-20Doc Martens - quality gone downhill? Also, sizing question.
2014-06-14I'm a pregnant snowflake. Help me dress myself.
2014-06-10Partners of motorcyclists - how do you manage your anxiety?
2014-05-24What does it mean when Megan Draper makes spaghetti?
2014-05-12WritingFilter: What is a good pricing for self-pub short stories?
2014-05-07How much did I contribute to my mom staying in her abusive marriage?
2014-04-08How young is too young for dyed hair?
2014-03-23"The American SF ""Canon"""
2014-03-10How to stop these doubts about whether I am over-sensitive
2014-02-27Overdue and over-anxious
2014-02-11Always be prepared?
2014-01-21Dragons! At Arisia!
2014-01-04The air at the Dead Sea
2014-01-02Recommend a particular type of science fiction story
2014-01-01When should an author respond to reviews?
2014-01-01When should an author respond to reviews?
2013-12-29Returning to a stressful home environment during school breaks
2013-12-27Gift for an aspiring children's author
2013-12-22Feminist basics for dads?
2013-12-18To neuter this beautiful dog... or not?
2013-12-17How do I get to the bottom of my sleep disorder?
2013-12-16Chapter One: The End.
2013-12-16Unexpected TEENAGE guest for the holidays?
2013-12-12How to have a life long close relationship with your kids ?
2013-12-11Please suggest a nice tv show with wizards and fancy dresses!
2013-12-10Health insurance conundrum
2013-11-27How do you all deal with death?
2013-11-19Build a Doll?
2013-11-19Build a Doll?
2013-11-19Helping 7 yo process mother's death
2013-11-18I've been going in circles about this for a while
2013-11-11That Used Car Smell
2013-11-10fwb not beneficial
2013-11-01Nervous cat advice: Over-grooming
2013-10-31Why labor induction if everything is going well?
2013-10-22I seem to have a real problem remembering the names of books.
2013-10-08Fish oil - or snake oil?
2013-10-07"If your baby liked ""Feliz Navidad,"" they may also like..."
2013-10-05Just got engaged. Problem, I still think about the one that got away.
2013-10-04More Bugs. What else is there to say?
2013-10-02"How can I help young boys see value in playing with ""girl stuff""?"
2013-09-11My Magic Wand...Well, It's Not Working
2013-09-04Recommendations for 3-year-old birthday toys around $50?
2013-09-01And I need a hobby and I want to be a paperback writer
2013-08-31You pinkie swore!
2013-08-21Partner lied about previous sexual partners & his faithfulness
2013-08-15Channeling my inner Whedon.
2013-08-14Concept albums
2013-08-07What's to like about having a fall birthday?
2013-08-07Suggestions for Ceremony lines
2013-08-07You're Most Certainly Not Getting a BB Gun, Ya Dope.
2013-08-06Compact gifts for a 4 year old girl?
2013-07-27How do we deal with a possible flea problem?
2013-07-16Best Online Writing Groups/Workshops?
2013-07-05Trekkies, what's next for me?
2013-07-02Genre vs. Non-Genre Fiction
2013-06-10My Talent, Let Me Not Show You It
2013-06-07My mother is going to be here in 24 hours and I am FREAKING OUT!
2013-06-06Pro Tip: Do a word search on 'that' and remove 95% of them
2013-06-06Pro-tips for public displays of affection
2013-05-27Well, this still sucks
2013-05-25Are you OK? Are you OK now? What about now? How are you feeling now?
2013-05-19Writers of Metafilter, please help me stay on track and keep going.
2013-05-05How many simple rules for dating my teenage daughter?
2013-04-22What are some YA novels with feminist antagonists?
2013-03-29Is my boyfriend's mom trolling me?
2013-03-20My thoughts about death have started making me afraid to live.
2013-03-19My thoughts about death have started making me afraid to live.
2013-03-07Are my parents helicoptering?
2013-03-07Books about a group of girls
2013-03-02Best (easiest) Mario games?
2013-02-24Public relations when closing shop?
2013-02-23Ending a friendship over friend's unethical behavior?
2013-02-22We Need to Talk About Kevin
2013-02-22We Need to Talk About Kevin
2013-02-17Job as Online test-scorer?
2013-02-14my cat, my cat, my claw-y claw-y cat.
2013-02-02"Long-shot filter: is there a ""family tree"" for the book City of Dreams?"
2013-02-02Am I wrong for getting a bad feeling about my boyfriend's dating coach?
2013-01-28I hope it's not dog cancer.
2013-01-26Catfilter: Cat is urpy, vet is closed, how worried should I be?
2013-01-25Recommend Fiction Books for 8-yr old. As usual, special details inside
2013-01-18Spoiler filter - novels/scripts where the protagonist was in a coma/dead
2013-01-15Tips for a family-wide reset?
2013-01-15Tips for a family-wide reset?
2012-12-28Details, details, details...and then BAM!
2012-12-28Details, details, details...and then BAM!
2012-12-26What is a realistic path to becoming a published SF author?
2012-12-24John, Jim, George and Ringo!
2012-12-22How did *Ulysses*' Ithaca episode strike you?
2012-12-17What's Ayahuasca Done For You?
2012-12-07Am I starving my cat?
2012-12-04Does the world need to hear my very special story?
2012-11-27Strict dad or easy-going dad?
2012-11-21Invented language vs. familiar words in fiction?