Which comments by Namlit were best answers in Ask MetaFilter?

2024-11-09Ralph Kirkpatrick's odd rendition of D. Scarlatti's Sonata in G, K. 455
2022-04-11Should I buy this piano?
2022-03-17Recovery from cataract vs retinal detachment surgery
2021-08-26the magical fruit
2021-06-25Nutmeg novice needs nutritional (k)nowledge
2021-06-14Dating with your parents in mind
2021-03-04Is it reasonable to ask a serious string player to use a mute?
2021-01-29Outlander (TV) Content Warning?
2020-07-28Songs in the Key of Huh?
2020-02-22Egg Noodles or Rice?
2019-12-21Epoxy glue in Germany
2019-12-21Epoxy glue in Germany
2019-10-15Examples of overly simple solutions that were wrong
2019-10-05(How) should I try to rehab a bad kisser?
2019-09-18Leaving for Antwerp and Amsterdam in early October - what to do there?
2019-06-29We were promised jet packs.
2019-02-02Why does the coffee filter rip?
2018-06-25What to do with a new-to-us upright piano?
2018-03-29Active Walking Holiday Alps/ Europe with baby and no car
2017-12-16Toddler language development - sample sentences
2017-11-10Baking filter: reducing butter in bread (sweet) recipe
2017-09-16Arrangements of Beethoven piano sonatas for orchestra?
2017-09-14Can you identify this piece of classical music?
2017-09-06How to grind pepper?
2017-09-04Help Me Find This Half-Remembered Cartoon
2017-08-27"""How do I become a virtuoso like you?"" ""For you, the answer is never."""
2017-08-09This ground turkey smells very strongly of turkey
2017-06-08Where should I go in the Netherlands? (Difficulty level: not Holland.)
2016-11-17What to do with bare oboe carcass?
2016-11-03Lacquering error correction?
2016-10-23Workplace Drama - How do I choose/do I have to?
2016-09-23So, a hedgehog walked into a house
2016-09-01Question about luggage on Thalys
2016-09-01Question about luggage on Thalys
2016-08-06Friend acquires a lot of cheese. What to do with it?
2016-08-02Examples of being considerate/caring?
2016-07-18What is this metal thing keeping my deck together?
2016-07-03Hohle Zahn = Hohenzollern?
2016-06-25Classical CD stores in Cologne/Bonn and Helsinki
2016-06-22Snappy comebacks for when people joke about my name
2016-06-15Where should I live?
2016-04-24Help me make foods taste more garlicky.
2016-04-14Distracting talk during Scrabble. Good strategy? Just a thing?
2016-04-03Too many veggies - no soup for me!
2016-03-16How to cheer up a friend who made a big mistake?
2016-03-14Driving from Gothenburg to Malmo - things to see/do?
2016-03-03Can I safely (for me and the roof) use a ladder on my porch roof?
2016-02-04Turning a PhD dissertation into a book - any tips?
2016-01-31Was it a Sasquatch outside my tent last night? It was, wasn't it.
2016-01-29I do not like foods with creamy mouth-feels. I want to start liking them
2016-01-29Best version of Bach's Suites for Solo Cello?
2016-01-18How to bring up body odor issue to family member?
2016-01-17How do I open this antique lacquered tea chest?
2016-01-12Seeking magical incantation to make my dentist take me seriously
2015-11-28Salty thinly sliced delicious-ness
2015-11-09Help me narrow down London restaurant options
2015-11-04Making 11th hour nerves work for you
2015-11-03Making 11th hour nerves work for you
2015-10-31Letting go of (justified) anger?
2015-10-28Can you identify this music?
2015-10-16"How to say ""nature does make jumps"" in latin?"
2015-09-10what to do with ivory
2015-08-21How to use a soft rubber tubing hose for a bicycle valve
2015-08-21How to use a soft rubber tubing hose for a bicycle valve
2015-07-28How do I do the train in Norway and Sweden?
2015-07-09Help me identify the lighting style used in this photograph.
2015-06-18What are the best Beethoven recordings at his own tempo?
2015-04-26small-scale plagiarism: right or wrong?
2015-04-071000 Days In A Small Place Under The Tuscan Sun
2015-03-13What do these fields on a Swedish Baptism Certificate mean?
2015-02-11What is this?
2015-02-09Keeping on top of the snowstorm -- does it really matter?
2015-01-30Hobbies for the one-handed
2015-01-30Examples of great black-and-white art and artists
2015-01-26Tonight we'll take some photos like it's 1999
2014-12-25He doesn't like my Christmas.
2014-12-11You're Not The Boss Of Me
2014-10-31hurting from co-worker's joke
2014-10-07Bees and wasps
2014-09-26Do I fail at being an adult?
2014-09-23Should I attend this scientific conference?
2014-09-18Need some clever car names
2014-09-18Need some clever car names
2014-09-18Need some clever car names
2014-09-17Need some clever car names
2014-09-17Need some clever car names
2014-09-17Need some clever car names
2014-09-04Give me random / fun / interesting piano facts!
2014-09-04Give me random / fun / interesting piano facts!
2014-08-05We are blending two families, and now I have two picky eaters, help?
2014-07-23Should we drive our 9 month old from Gothenburg Sweden to Amsterdam?
2014-06-27I need to write some incredibly tedious essays for work. I can't. Help.
2014-06-23It's my ankleversary
2014-06-12What is the greatest recording of the Blue Danube Waltz?
2014-06-11What is the greatest recording of the Blue Danube Waltz?
2014-03-19We Can't All Be Special Snowflakes
2014-03-12Please help decipher this handwritten location in Sweden
2014-03-09"Why is it ""der Bär"" and ""die Maus"" and not ""das Bär"" and ""das Maus""?"
2014-02-28School recommended the most dreadful book for my kindergartener-to-be.
2014-02-25Where to start with the Gardiner/Monteverdi Choir Bach Cantata CDs
2014-02-21What are the general principles for cooking with coconut milk?
2014-02-14How can I stop being so miserable with my singlehood?
2014-02-04Screwed up at work. Now what?
2014-01-11Should I fix/replace this Apple Power Adapter cord?
2014-01-09Trying to live happily ever after, after an affair. But with a twist.
2014-01-01When should an author respond to reviews?
2013-12-26What might this German dessert be?
2013-12-11Pre-school playground politics.
2013-12-07[Santa Filter] Help me find this super-generic toy
2013-12-07How can my cooking be less smoky?
2013-12-03Mystery Metal
2013-12-01Hinge issues
2013-11-28I would prefer not to spend time with my friend when she is very stoned
2013-11-20Quino cartoon about television.
2013-11-09How do I learn to be less squeamish about meat?
2013-11-08Am I right in thinking the people I write for are incompetent?
2013-10-07You've got that autumn feeling.
2013-09-29What chocolate brand do you recommend, hopefully available online?
2013-09-12No Carb Woes
2013-09-07How to handle loved one going on tour?
2013-09-05Expanding my repertoire
2013-08-30When do you need to pre-heat the oven?
2013-08-17A few questions about my first curry.
2013-08-14What small, cool things can I put in the secret compartment of a box?
2013-08-04Did my mechanic just rip me off?
2013-08-01How can I enhance my experience of Beethoven's Triple Concerto?
2013-08-01How can I enhance my experience of Beethoven's Triple Concerto?
2013-07-31Help ID this (natural) mystery floral scent?
2013-07-30Help for fresh woodworking enthusiast
2013-07-25How do I forgive myself for making a bad decision?
2013-07-20Chest pain, partner won't let me call 911. What can I do?
2013-07-09The most scholarly hobo
2013-07-04Do you know your onions?
2013-07-03Explain this to me as though I were a total idiot...
2013-07-02How can I build my wood/nail compost bin more strongly?
2013-05-26Thin sliced don't waste your time t-bone
2013-05-26Did Handel really say this?
2013-05-01Worm in pasta - What should I do?
2013-03-19Giving myself to a chainsaw
2013-02-18What are the best things to order at bad chain restaurants?
2013-02-09There's no crazy killer behind the shower curtain, so why do I look?
2013-01-13Padang food in Amsterdam?
2012-12-27Help us get this food budget under control.
2012-12-18Pruning old gardens.
2012-12-18Cloud Atlas is Chordally Dense
2012-12-13Ich weiße nicht!
2012-12-02Restoring Files From the Trash in OSX
2012-11-29Heart attack or giggle fit?
2012-11-10Help me find this $&^# mosquito
2012-10-16Maybe brunch is the most important meal of the day?
2012-10-10Ideas for Vampire Dinner Party
2012-10-09Driving in Germany and low emission
2012-09-23weird whistling noise problem, losing my mind
2012-08-30How might I have better conversations with my in-laws?
2012-08-20When eat meets shovel
2012-08-07What can I do with a weekday morning in Edinburgh?
2012-08-05Beefy blunder
2012-06-29Sausage tourism in Munich and Austria?
2012-06-29Sausage tourism in Munich and Austria?
2012-03-15U-bahn to the front
2012-02-10Untwisting a workbench top
2012-01-15I'm okay with my Kakor Havreflarns - it's my Grönsakskaka I'm worried about.
2012-01-04Will offering my full attention to my loved ones get them to reciprocate?
2012-01-03Little people
2011-11-21How did your parents make Santa real for you?
2011-11-14How bad is it to address a person by their full name?
2011-11-13How to save money and enjoy a trip to Bremen, Germany?
2011-11-11You mean these are all boxes of *books*?
2011-11-10Impact on Norway after 2011 summer
2011-11-06What are America's quirks?
2011-11-03The Eternal quick bread
2011-11-01Simple Shenandoah Hikes
2011-10-28What do you regret about not going to art school?
2011-10-03Creme de la creme
2011-09-10Oh god, not another 1.5 pounds of green beans to dice.
2011-09-01Aroint thee, carbs!
2011-08-10Let's Make Like a Tree: and Leaf [Leave] hahaha!
2011-08-09Boxes, boxes, everywhere...
2011-08-02Can you identify this organ piece?
2011-07-31Overpaid child support, now what?
2011-07-29Can I find a way to eat this? Black Truffle Edition!
2011-07-27potayto potahto
2011-07-24Cast iron - did I ruin a pot?
2011-07-22I'm looking for good intermediate-level German novels. In German, that is.
2011-07-19No they don't wear pants
2011-06-22"Are these ""no sugar added"" teas also sugar free?"
2011-06-18ID this song
2011-06-13Don't use that there!!!
2011-06-09Eat X, not Y
2011-06-06Can I Drink This? The Tea Edition
2011-05-19Nothing to do with the Emerald City
2011-05-13Edison sounded clearer than this.
2011-04-21Amsterdam Cycling Excursions
2011-04-10Finding a mystery leak?
2011-04-10coffee help please!
2011-04-05How to fix my conservatory!
2011-03-31Minor Family drama, fight with parents. Run or stay?
2011-03-21Disassemble an Ikea chair?
2011-03-21RIP angora goatskin: death by cracking.