Which comments by smoke were best answers in Ask MetaFilter?

2020-06-03Doing Paced Distance Intervals on Strava
2020-06-02Earbud headphones for small ears
2020-05-05Ways to use salt and vinegar powder
2020-05-03Can I eat this? Canned garbanzofilter vol II
2020-03-23Routine procedure in the midst of medical overload
2020-03-18what is covid 19 shortness of breath?
2020-02-23What to read/know before working with Kenyans / in Nairobi.
2020-02-06How to stop emotional reactions at work
2020-01-29Low-profile over-ear headphones?
2020-01-28Ideas for amazing tofu: how to get tofu with crispy crust/silky inside
2019-11-17Technical advice for limiting a young person's Chromebook usage
2019-11-09Working harder but losing lean mass...who do I talk to?
2019-11-01Angry outbursts - can you help?
2019-08-26Plants that work well in narrow borders
2019-08-11What are the best wireless earbuds for audiobooks?
2019-08-03Discussing the terrible book my father gave me with him?
2019-07-22How do I ask an attorney to clean up after herself?
2019-06-22Baby rules
2019-06-18Reasons to attend therapy more than once a week?
2019-06-12Is an OEM SmartKey a waste of money?
2019-05-28Helium balloons?
2019-04-30Is there such a thing as a good, inexpensive stovetop pressure cooker?
2019-04-25Reasonable to skip a tricky wedding? difficulty level: mom
2019-04-03How were you shown you were loved as a kid?
2019-03-10Why did my legs lock up during a race?
2019-03-09Why did my legs lock up during a race?
2019-02-26What do contemporary scholars think of Joseph Campbell?
2019-02-17What motivates people?
2019-02-10Should I quit my second job? I'm only one month in.
2019-01-30As good as Photoshop, and for keeps?
2019-01-04Healthy ways to use up passionfruit?
2018-12-28What live sports worldwide can I stream free with my VPN?
2018-12-05Do we move to a better school district? If so, when?
2018-11-23South Asian cooking with black mustard seeds
2018-11-14A photo printer that actually works—does this magical unicorn exist?
2018-10-20Do allergic responses DIRECTLY trigger dysphoria/anxiety?
2018-10-06Can I make yogurt using only reconstituted powdered milk?
2018-10-05emotional boundary with new housemate!
2018-09-03"""Hi, I don't hate you and I'm not pretending that you died."""
2018-08-09What can I put in my fishtank
2018-08-07Should I be a teacher?
2018-07-15Help me heal
2018-06-30Can someone translate this British recipe into American for me?
2018-06-28Better than SharePoint?
2018-05-26Intra-family interpretation
2018-03-29What to do in Da Nang which isn't Hoi An?
2018-02-03Food-related misnomers
2018-02-03Food-related misnomers
2017-12-29Ricotta? I hardly knew ya!
2017-12-20Where would you go if you could go anywhere? Why?
2017-11-25Seed pod or alien life form?
2017-11-04Improve my photographs? Post processing?
2017-10-15Boyfriend and I want to move in together, but...
2017-10-03My crazy, manipulative sister
2017-09-18Self-contained foods
2017-09-11Professionalism and piercings
2017-08-10I have no willpower! (can't stop eating junk food)
2017-06-28What should my SharePoint role be called?
2017-06-09G-g-ghost pirates?
2017-06-05The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Photo Hobbyists
2017-05-24How do I get over my insecurities?
2017-05-16Physical exercise for mental strength?
2017-05-14Curing sweet potatoes
2017-04-26Things that are better with kids
2017-04-20Are there any legal problems with using a stink bomb in your own garden?
2017-03-03Science, please
2017-01-25Is monthly therapy worth doing?
2017-01-15Should I move across the country?
2016-12-31I just noticed fleas on my indoor cat. Panicking, what to do?
2016-09-29Comfort me with comfort food
2016-09-26Do you reckon I drink too much?
2016-09-16Being productive with pain and sleep issues
2016-09-03Peace, happiness and motivation in 25* words or less
2016-08-23Help me find cushioned men's shoes?
2016-07-14How to do myself justice on the MENSA IQ test?
2016-06-24Do you and your SO sleep in separate beds but still get along?
2016-05-19Which camera to take on Safari?
2016-05-17Is this a good lens for this camera?
2016-05-08Playing it by ear in Queensland
2016-03-13Buying a townhouse in Sydney to raise a family?
2016-02-02Some of my coworkers are incompetent. Help me be less annoyed by them.
2016-01-19Best website for market research? Difficulty: Australia
2016-01-15Best balance of quality and cost in current crop of TVs
2016-01-13I am the photographer (or I would like to be).
2015-12-03Are there downsides to drinking too much soda water?
2015-11-07Give me your duck leg recipes...
2015-09-29Why Do We Change As The Day Progresses?
2015-09-06How to help refugees?
2015-08-17What to do when a newspaper borks your freelance submission?
2015-06-29Please help me pick out a new camera!
2015-06-09What was the book about Israel a stranger was reading on the train?
2015-05-23Should I change my job, and if so, to what?
2015-04-21What YA fantasy novel was this?
2015-03-24Camping in Queensland
2015-03-17How to deal with percieved invasion of privacy?
2015-03-16Convince me that a 100-year old house is a bad idea
2015-03-13A great Australian printing co?
2015-03-12Hong Kong stopover itinerary?
2015-03-06With my mind on my money and yen on my mind
2015-03-03Looking for an mp3 player with physical buttons (vs a touchscreen)
2015-03-01What are the ethical concerns of owning pet fish?
2015-02-08How useful is the low-pressure setting on pressure cookers?
2015-01-26How can I watch more TV tennis without paying a fortune?
2015-01-17Fish in desert oases?
2015-01-09Help me make rye rue the day.
2015-01-08You're a big goofball - Corporate Polish. When and HOW did you get it?
2014-12-29In case of fire, do what?
2014-12-20Amazon won't ship certain items to me in China.How do I get around that?
2014-12-08Employee busted her butt for me this year... non-creepy gift?
2014-11-30World religion for kids
2014-10-30New Year's Eve in Sydney, 2014 Edition
2014-10-04Who chooses the next bright young things?
2014-10-01How to support someone who uses nonbinary pronouns at work?
2014-09-21I want to beat my athletic buddy in our next 5k. How?!
2014-09-12Can you translate this running-speak for me?
2014-09-02Best Indian cook book?
2014-08-20Sriracha + Harissa: A Spicy Mystery
2014-08-09Steep hill, can't mow it, no time to maintain it.
2014-08-08Putting a fledgling journalism career on hold and coming back to it later?
2014-08-02Can you identify this chili?
2014-07-28Help me make the most of the time my mother has left.
2014-07-10What to do in life before getting pregnant in a year or two.
2014-06-17Boss is treating me like his personal assistant - how to deal?
2014-06-14Help light my whey
2014-06-06What to do with a kid who won't poop?
2014-05-24Best time to purchase flights to Singapore from Australia?
2014-05-22Good Movies About Couples in Love
2014-05-16Definitive books for newcomers and interested laymen?
2014-05-04Studying Russian Literature in France
2014-04-18DIfferent Ideals
2014-03-30Shipping a set of china to internationally
2014-03-21Need space for new family
2014-03-17When is a spoon more than just a spoon?
2014-03-05dealing with bereavement
2014-02-15What's more important? Parental presence or top schooling?
2014-02-14How can I stop being so miserable with my singlehood?
2014-02-12Resetting a goldfish tank
2014-02-12Name that photo retouching software!
2014-02-12William Castle Novel - What Was It Called?
2014-02-07Wanting to get a KitchenAid mixer but confused by all the options.
2014-01-27Non-minimalist running shoes for the minimalist?
2014-01-17Help me save a mediocre job interview
2014-01-16Pan-ic at the Williams-Sonoma
2014-01-16Documentary TV Series like Wild China
2014-01-11Issue: Selling camera lenses on eBay. Difficulty: I am clueless.
2014-01-08Help me stop itching. I'm allergic to cats or water!
2013-12-18To neuter this beautiful dog... or not?
2013-12-18I Went Out With A Dreamboat and It Went Well - Now What?!
2013-12-01Help me miss my Dad
2013-11-25Chasing debt in the land of Oz
2013-11-17In search of decadent, divisible, freezable recipes
2013-11-17What is it like to own an old-ish farm property with a pond and stable?
2013-11-11Surprise! I'm moving out!
2013-11-10Where to look for an economist who might want to help write a book?
2013-11-01What to send sponsored child in Zimbabwe?
2013-10-27How much does quality cost?
2013-10-24I'm not on this diet to alienate you, I promise!
2013-10-21How does USA's new debt ceiling affect property owners in Australia?
2013-10-18Is it bad to have HPV in your body?
2013-10-18Lions, oh my!
2013-10-10Bad to Worse
2013-10-10Imagine an 8-pound botfly emerging from your abdomen
2013-10-10Career Change in Mid Life - International Development
2013-10-09"How does a modern 1/2.3"" sensor camera compare to a 10 year old D-SLR?"
2013-09-30How to price and market art work?
2013-08-23Best books for teaching yourself a new skill?
2013-08-20Can't fix the past; can I mend the present?
2013-08-18That didn't go how I planned
2013-08-09Is it really too late?
2013-08-07Hot water on mosquito bites gets rid of the itch. But how, exactly?
2013-08-01Macro Photography for Beginners
2013-07-04How to politely tell people to read their f*cking emails?
2013-07-02Earphones: Am I doin' it wrong?
2013-06-28Dealing with casual bigotry?
2013-06-04"Grad gift: DSLR camera versus one of these newfangled ""mirrorless"" cams"
2013-05-29How awful are these comments from my new boyfriend?
2013-05-23Japan aficionados: help me plan my trip!
2013-05-22Japan aficionados: help me plan my trip!
2013-05-18Simplest mobile phone for use in Europe, USA, and Australia?
2013-05-16Can a Person Practice Dianetics and Not be a Scientologist?
2013-04-30I need to read some grown-up books. With unicorns, preferably.
2013-04-27Pre-marriage counseling is fine. But how committed is he?
2013-04-17Moral one-upmanship on Facebook: the story behind the story?
2013-03-22How do things get buried in dirt over thousands of years?
2013-03-14I'm not the smartest guy in the room, how do I accept that?
2013-02-26babysitting a cracking up father with abusive thoughts
2013-02-17Was this punishment over the line?
2013-02-13Does Perth have a Compton?
2013-02-09Likeable characters with lives I might want to live vicariously
2013-02-07Can you recommend a meal delivery service in Australia?
2013-02-03A question about DSLRs and taking my photography to the next level
2013-02-03A question about DSLRs and taking my photography to the next level
2013-02-02Am I wrong for getting a bad feeling about my boyfriend's dating coach?
2013-02-01Nasty brands. Name them for me.
2013-01-27Dealing with casual bullying/racism at work?
2013-01-245 or 6 days around Christmas time. Where to go from Sydney?
2013-01-22My boyfriend's kid is here for a month. Should I be a presence?