Which comments by eviemath were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2023?

2023-11-08Water purification methods
2023-08-23Driving across s. NH and VT - what should I know about road conditions?
2023-08-20How to cat in a small apartment & other questions
2023-08-06Not 'Hello Fellow Kids'
2023-06-28"""Burn like a Christian"" "
2023-06-14Baby Chair, Committee Edition
2023-06-14Baby Chair, Committee Edition
2023-06-14Baby Chair, Committee Edition
2023-06-14Baby Chair, Committee Edition
2023-06-10I have a ridiculous alphabetical / mathematical question
2023-06-06Max stress factor: what do I ask the doctor?
2023-06-05How to automatically share one row of a Google Sheet?
2023-03-21Protections for renters? Etc.
2023-03-06Making mead from maple syrup: fussy druid edition
2023-01-14Existential pain tolerance