Which comments by vacapinta were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2024?

2024-11-01Where is this image from?
2024-11-01What are some mental tricks to endure an unpleasant event?
2024-10-0918 hours in Amsterdam
2024-06-23Is the Vasari Corridor now open?
2024-06-10Ways to find truly off-the-beaten path travel destinations?
2024-05-31Collecting/'Treasure hunting' activities?
2024-05-23Objecting to meta AI
2024-05-17Help me build a list of neologisms-by-truncation! (app, fam, cam, mag…)
2024-05-01How do the Moon and Jupiter protect the Earth from meteorites?
2024-02-23Midday meal in Madrid near Atocha?
2024-01-24"Lisbon ""Non Touristy"" recs"