Which comments by momus_window were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2024?

2024-12-24Which life experiences do insiders downplay the difficulties of?
2024-12-10Calming Crazy Cat-Can't Clip Claws
2024-12-07Supporting a friend in rocky sobriety
2024-11-04Best earbuds for reducing background noise on computer calls?
2024-11-01What are some mental tricks to endure an unpleasant event?
2024-10-23Spooky margaritas
2024-09-16Sharing a property with a camper
2024-08-21Nice but simple coffee machine to be a gift for a professor's lab.
2024-07-26Advantages/disadvantages of email vs. slack or something else?
2024-07-19Gift-filter: Prehistory books for adults
2024-07-10I Miss Learning
2024-01-10Help me hate quinoa less
2024-01-06Looking for fencing companies in Portland, OR