Which comments by citygirl were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2024?

2024-11-30Vitamin Supplements
2024-09-23Vinyl Press and Stick Tiles? Yea or Nay?
2024-09-05New primary care physician - would I regret signing up with a DO?
2024-07-16Medical Care for Undocumented Alien in Los Angeles
2024-06-08Find A Home for Mom's Contemporary African Scupture in Atlanta
2024-05-21YANMD but help me figure out why my kid is sick so often.
2024-05-16House cleaner - are my expectations too high?
2024-03-22Getting the axe from my job waiting to go under the knife
2024-02-21How do you decide when to go to the doctor?
2024-02-04What makes some kinds of cotton attract cat-fur so strongly?