Which comments by sardonyx were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2023?

2023-12-16Recommendations for Equine Lawyer in California
2023-12-04How do I get blood stains out of clothes/sheets?
2023-11-25Where everything's decked up and the plots don't matter
2023-11-21Cameo from Supernatural actor
2023-08-08Replacing cracked windshield on my baby
2023-08-05Could I move to Canada?
2023-08-04Baby, can you drive my car?
2023-06-25Does “lightly golden” have a secret meaning I’m unaware of?
2023-06-20Does shortbread really get better with age?
2023-06-16What should be my first superhero comic?
2023-06-15What should be my first superhero comic?
2023-06-15What should be my first superhero comic?
2023-06-06Best well-written likeable TV and movies on free streaming services?
2023-06-06Best well-written likeable TV and movies on free streaming services?