Which comments by wnissen were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2022?

2022-11-08Shoe Me
2022-09-27Eventual fallout for existing loans on inherited property
2022-08-30Other driver's insurance dragging their feet on paying for damage
2022-07-07No hot water in vacation rental - what can I expect?
2022-07-07What knot to use for a clothesline between posts with eyehooks?
2022-05-14Trains vs rental car in Cote D'Azur
2022-05-10Is inflation really Biden's fault?
2022-04-22What kind of USB-C charger is appropriate for my computer?
2022-04-21Putting your inner baby to sleep on the airplane
2022-03-18One Night in Cancun
2022-02-24How does the story end for narcissists?
2022-02-16Tell me what’s good in Paris
2022-02-15Tell me what’s good in Paris
2022-02-10Solo Pacific Coast Road Trip
2022-01-25prettiest poster of Hawaii reef fishes