Which comments by dg were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2022?

2022-11-13"Best way to remove a 1"" stumbling block for the mobility impaired"
2022-10-24What's the Gantt chart for renovating a shabby room?
2022-10-10Birb taxonomy question
2022-10-10Birb taxonomy question
2022-07-12How To Grow Your House
2022-06-06Live Zoom for Dummies - Calm Me
2022-05-26Can I Eat This? Camping with frozen foods idea + Food Safety
2022-05-05How do I detach this curtain rod??
2022-05-02I moved to Columbus, OH. And bought a house. It was a huge mistake.
2022-04-10How much hive mind does it take to change a light socket?
2022-04-05Help me manage the heat of my bed
2022-03-31Flat screen TV + crumbly plaster wall = bad idea? How bad?
2022-03-30Staving off rust on my truck (for now)
2022-03-16Worrying wet patch
2022-03-15Can I install a smaller fake fireplace to replace my fake fireplace?
2022-03-15Can I install a smaller fake fireplace to replace my fake fireplace?
2022-03-08You keep me hangin' on
2022-03-06Home improvement contactor breakup
2022-02-21Buying a home during the nightmare that is 2022
2022-02-13Easy way to electroplate a small length of chain?
2022-02-03How do I fix this Pro-Ject turntable dustcover hinge attachment?
2022-01-10Men: How has your sex drive changed over the last decade?
2022-01-09Excel 2010 conditional formatting: how to get 4+ color scales
2022-01-05Setting up a discrete social media persona from my work persona