Which comments by lokta were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2024?

2024-10-20St. Pancras to Brighton via train
2024-10-16Tell me about using a kneeling chair all day
2024-06-20How should I rehab my injured calf muscle?
2024-06-14Second question of the week: tasty crunchy dirt, and bitterness
2024-06-14Second question of the week: tasty crunchy dirt, and bitterness
2024-05-23Objecting to meta AI
2024-04-23How would you respond?
2024-04-17Which UK city should I visit?
2024-03-24Trying to recall British TV drama from 2000s about teen model
2024-02-19best way to travel from Europe to UK (near Manchester) with two people?
2024-02-19best way to travel from Europe to UK (near Manchester) with two people?