Which comments by adamrice were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2024?

2024-11-10(US) Need help defining an economically left, culturally center party
2024-08-19270toWin.com, Archived Maps
2024-08-12Advice for buying used iphone
2024-08-04iPhone 13 – Touch it with my face at all and everything goes south
2024-07-26Advantages/disadvantages of email vs. slack or something else?
2024-07-09Professionalism and Copy Editing AI-Generated Content
2024-06-19Best duffle with backpack straps for a smallish person?
2024-04-30What’s cool in ABQ and Santa Fe?
2024-04-18What if all jurors are threatend after jury is seated and trial started?
2024-04-15Incredibly middle-aged question about home appraisal, taxes, blah
2024-02-06Loss with Grief
2024-01-26Multi-login cloud-based recipe storage
2024-01-22The feed. The net. The metaverse. The matrix. The cyberverse. The...?
2024-01-17Where should we stay in Chicago?