Which comments by Crystalinne were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2022?

2022-11-23Baby got back...acne
2022-09-15Endless white tile floors
2022-08-06Hope me! Sick spouse and relationship edition
2022-07-27Hashtags for Wedding Vendors; What's the Etiquette?
2022-07-16Why don't they make painergy drinks?
2022-07-01Where do people park RVs when they're not using the RV?
2022-06-12How best to apply topical medication
2022-06-09Let’s not be rash…
2022-05-12Enzyme cleaner for urine on sofa?
2022-05-02Seeking advice after surprise stage IV endometriosis diagnosis
2022-04-28Irriitable customer leaves me feeling a little bruised
2022-04-20Looking for some teas with no caffeine at all
2022-03-14What is this insignificant but persistent skin condition?
2022-03-09Elden Ring difficulty check without spoilers