Which comments by Crystalinne were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2023?

2023-10-06Best-Smelling Antiperspirant
2023-09-30Word question about candy
2023-09-08"do FB advertising services include favorable ""comments""?"
2023-09-07Reciprocity in relationships vs. transactional relationships?
2023-08-31I thought I had aphantasia — and then I saw images?
2023-08-17What the heck is this?
2023-08-12I want to watch compulsive dancing
2023-05-18I have taken in a sixteen-year-old. His parents are unmanageable.
2023-04-07accents as performance
2023-03-17What's the deal with people seeking out Novavax as a booster?
2023-02-18Managing feelings about partner crises on special days
2023-02-10I need to end this thing, right?