Which comments by shock muppet were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2024?

2024-11-17March Break in Canada
2024-10-31I hate my condo. Now what?
2024-10-29Paranoia, extended famliy edition
2024-09-19What's the most fun way to travel from Seattle to Vancouver?
2024-09-18What's the most fun way to travel from Seattle to Vancouver?
2024-08-26Looking for a keyboard for stiff hands
2024-08-15"Please not ""the mancave"""
2024-08-12Like a medicine cabinet, but not
2024-07-26Advantages/disadvantages of email vs. slack or something else?
2024-07-11Flight detour and baggage
2024-06-29What to do + eat in Vancouver- low energy vegetarian edition
2024-06-26What do I plant now?
2024-06-09Airline Ticket Refund Policies
2024-06-09Ways to find truly off-the-beaten path travel destinations?
2024-06-02Montreal Suggestions
2024-05-05How to be a less nervous traveller
2024-04-30Help me with a verbally violent email thread?
2024-04-25Experiences building a family without your primary partner?
2024-03-27Does anyone have any advice for crossing the USA border? (J-2 visa)
2024-03-18Why does everything just feel wrong?
2024-03-17Dual Citizen, Need to File Taxes in Both Countries? (US/Canada)
2024-03-16Staying organized as a traveling group, 2024 edition
2024-03-13Self-Care In The Short Term
2024-03-03Helping 75-year-old hoard safely
2024-02-20Exposure therapy when you can't be near The Thing?
2024-02-19Would we really need snow tires?
2024-02-04Give me your mid tempo dance songs with good feels!
2024-01-23How to spa weekend?