Which comments by scruss were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2022?

2022-11-20The logistics of removing truly massive amounts of snow
2022-11-15Please help ID this iconic electronic music instrument sound!
2022-11-08How to commission a wooden laser cut project?
2022-10-03Songs of '89
2022-09-27Is there an app for that? Sound frequency identifier not audible
2022-09-12 Find Me A Timer with Loud, Long Alarm & Huge, Bright Display
2022-08-30Animal Kingdom Eye Durability
2022-08-30Postscript question for the incorrigible perfectionist (MacOS printing)
2022-07-20Why Are Gummies Crowding Out Hard Candies?
2022-07-20Pray, how is Brittles? PAD OSC
2022-07-19Pray, how is Brittles? PAD OSC
2022-07-19Pray, how is Brittles? PAD OSC
2022-07-19Pray, how is Brittles? PAD OSC
2022-07-16Why don't they make painergy drinks?
2022-07-15Looking for old/spirited flamenco, musica campesinos, non-american folk
2022-05-22Suggestions for a digital camera for a 6 year old?
2022-05-03You LED up my life - Ambient lighting with LED light strips
2022-05-02You LED up my life - Ambient lighting with LED light strips
2022-05-02Why am I so gassy and why do I have yellow poop??
2022-03-31How to go about desoldering?
2022-03-20Shortwave scanner help.
2022-03-16Have the things you find on the ground changed in the last 30 years?
2022-03-09Which fonts are easiest for people with dyslexia to read?