Which comments by metasarah were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2023?

2023-12-01I know no one is looking at me, but…
2023-11-25Help me get through the next two weeks of holiday season madness
2023-11-16Who am I - gender edition?
2023-10-21Hearty snack for 14 kids under 12
2023-10-06Best-Smelling Antiperspirant
2023-09-21How to budget with a pen and paper
2023-07-07I want to read this later.
2023-06-23how to set a boundary around friends not getting you sick
2023-06-15"Fresh ideas needed for having ""a nice time"""
2023-05-31Things to do in Vermont
2023-04-06Do people bother to check if the hyperlink matches the url?
2023-03-12How to prep my new house for an approaching winter storm
2023-03-09Kid-friendly teachings on friendliness
2023-03-08Oat milk fridge life?
2023-03-03How to get back into 'difficult' reading
2023-02-11I need to end this thing, right?
2023-02-09Relationship Logistics (weeknight sleepover edition)
2023-02-08How do you manage your pantry?
2023-01-14You are a great human. You handle romantic long distance badly. Why?
2023-01-04How can I initiate physical contact during a date?