Which comments by flabdablet were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2022?

2022-12-25Is there a manual for the Behringer RD-6?
2022-12-10Sigh, this doesn't suck
2022-12-09Sigh, this doesn't suck
2022-12-09Sigh, this doesn't suck
2022-12-09Sigh, this doesn't suck
2022-10-16Should I clean up the coins?
2022-10-14Trash bugs - halp
2022-10-12The call is coming from inside the house, but from which device?
2022-10-12The call is coming from inside the house, but from which device?
2022-10-08Tool for reading and annotating PDFs?
2022-10-04Help me play or convert old video file formats
2022-09-29Pick a computer, (not) any computer
2022-09-23Hello, we are your (not new) neighbours…
2022-09-18Does my camera/lens need repair, or are iPhones just better?
2022-09-17please help me not turn into a furious conspiracy theorist?
2022-09-11I need new stuff to listen to
2022-09-04Why do I do things that bring me down?
2022-09-04“Investing” in real estate.
2022-08-25How to navigate a friendship minefield?
2022-08-13Simplest possible “traffic light” circuit?
2022-08-12Simplest possible “traffic light” circuit?
2022-08-10Simplest possible “traffic light” circuit?
2022-08-10Simplest possible “traffic light” circuit?
2022-08-09How much is too much when it comes to attaining your life's goals?
2022-08-09How much is too much when it comes to attaining your life's goals?
2022-07-31Decluttering: Ancient Technology Edition
2022-07-28Sex in a lofted bed?
2022-07-28Sex in a lofted bed?
2022-07-27Sex in a lofted bed?
2022-07-27Sex in a lofted bed?
2022-07-27Saving embedded videos?
2022-07-19Pray, how is Brittles? PAD OSC
2022-07-19Pray, how is Brittles? PAD OSC
2022-07-19Pray, how is Brittles? PAD OSC
2022-07-19Pray, how is Brittles? PAD OSC
2022-07-19Pray, how is Brittles? PAD OSC
2022-07-19Pray, how is Brittles? PAD OSC
2022-07-19Pray, how is Brittles? PAD OSC
2022-07-19Pray, how is Brittles? PAD OSC
2022-07-18Martial arts for thin newbies
2022-07-14wheels + axle -- like a DIY hand truck
2022-07-14wheels + axle -- like a DIY hand truck
2022-07-09Kidney stone pain management
2022-07-03Can I drink from this: French press edition
2022-06-05How Did you Defeat Garlic Mustard?
2022-06-02Fun with Gmail
2022-06-02Fun with Gmail
2022-06-02Fun with Gmail
2022-06-01Help us safely charge our 12v marine/rv battery system
2022-05-20Password manager to easily share passwords with family
2022-05-09Is inflation really Biden's fault?
2022-05-03Google docs without gmail?
2022-04-28Irriitable customer leaves me feeling a little bruised
2022-04-28Irriitable customer leaves me feeling a little bruised
2022-04-21Migrating to a new windows PC.
2022-04-21Migrating to a new windows PC.
2022-04-14Can I stop Windows updates?
2022-04-12Creative ideas on turning cardboard into dirt/mulch?
2022-03-31Flat screen TV + crumbly plaster wall = bad idea? How bad?
2022-03-31How to go about desoldering?
2022-03-31How to go about desoldering?
2022-03-17Have the things you find on the ground changed in the last 30 years?
2022-03-15Have the things you find on the ground changed in the last 30 years?
2022-03-15Smoke detector that doesn't buzz?
2022-03-14Help me get the hookup
2022-03-13Looking for self hosted recipe-page (or an editable long document)
2022-03-08When setting goals sets you up for failure
2022-03-08When setting goals sets you up for failure
2022-03-08When setting goals sets you up for failure
2022-03-08When setting goals sets you up for failure
2022-03-04Homesick for ???
2022-02-27How to batch convert .vtt subtitles into .srt?
2022-02-21Art meets science filter: Do you recognize this phenomenon?
2022-02-16Purchase Expanse season 6 for download in NZ?
2022-02-16How did Germans name elements?
2022-02-12How X Shaped the World
2022-02-09Keeping a window on top
2022-02-08Keeping a window on top
2022-02-04nginx reverse proxy SSL passthrough fun!
2022-02-04Math formula that only works in some base systems
2022-02-04Math formula that only works in some base systems
2022-01-29Can you make NFTs make sense to me?
2022-01-22Google Sheets: how to sort by text in a cell
2022-01-21Punching bag hangers wear and tear
2022-01-12Complex Fourier Drawing to Sound?
2022-01-12Complex Fourier Drawing to Sound?