Which comments by dorothyisunderwood were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2024?

2024-11-27How bad does childhood emotional neglect feel when it's not repressed?
2024-08-13In search of organizing content for people with (maybe) ADHD
2024-08-09Percy Jackson Follow-Up Series age appropriate for 7yo?
2024-06-27How to seek religion? Starting point: agnostic.
2024-06-11Fresh Lime
2024-06-11"import { inspiration } from ""askme"""
2024-05-20File management systems and logic - where to start?
2024-05-14What vendor can build a reporting system for my client?
2024-05-01ELI5 : Getting a new SIM card abroad
2024-03-20Gifts and gift etiquette for kids I've never met?!
2024-02-11Why do we vibe with some people and not others?