Which comments by vunder were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2022?

2022-12-26What drama series should we watch next on Netflix?
2022-09-28Help my body hurt less.
2022-09-21What should I do with a day and a half in the Bay Area?
2022-08-24Tipping etiquette if price is based on stylist level and hair length?
2022-07-05Help finding film or TV depicting a punk/rebel in H.S. phys-ed class
2022-06-10Gifts that come in pairs
2022-05-13Emergency healthy potluck help
2022-05-05"""print your own"" festival wristband?"
2022-05-01Need more variety for work-from-home lunches
2022-04-28What to do with maple syrup jelly?
2022-04-19Beginner Beans
2022-01-18Preschooler separation anxiety
2022-01-10France Travel Filter: Is renting an EV for vacation recommended?