Which comments by clew were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2024?

2024-12-22How does nuclear radiation kill you?
2024-11-23Contemporary CMS for 18n/multilingual management?
2024-06-27What do I plant now?
2024-06-26Plant suggestions
2024-06-16Redoing Jam
2024-06-11"import { inspiration } from ""askme"""
2024-06-11"import { inspiration } from ""askme"""
2024-04-30What’s cool in ABQ and Santa Fe?
2024-03-09How can I make this?
2024-03-03How do I work on being less casually dismissive in conversation?
2024-02-29Jupyter Notebook formatting in Pressbooks
2024-02-24i just kind of wasted my precious time
2024-01-29From the windows to the walls
2024-01-09Eyeglass-related ear headaches?